Born Again Believers
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The Wicked and the Unbelieving are not Made Clean by the Giving of ...
... believers? And how could they be believers if they were not willing to have
faith in Christ, and to be born again of His grace? And ...
/.../augustine/the enchiridion/chapter 75 the wicked and the.htm

The Repentance of Believers
... We allow, that at the very moment of justification, we are born again: In that ... Hence
it is, that those believers who are not convinced of the deep corruption ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 14 the repentance of.htm

On Sin in Believers
... In doing this, I use indifferently the words, regenerate, justified, or believers;
since, though ... he is born again, "not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor of the ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 13 on sin in.htm

Faustus Claims that the Manichæans and not the Catholics are ...
... might die for our sins, and rise again for our ... witness to his belief that Christ
was born of the ... suffered and died along with many Christian believers of that ...
/.../faustus claims that the manichaeans.htm

Rejection of Errors
... been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable (1 Pet 1:23).". PARAGRAPH
9. Who teach: That Christ has in no place prayed that believers should ...
// of dort/rejection of errors 4.htm

The Indwelling of the Spirit, the Common Privilege of all ...
... the reality of the operations of the blessed Spirit on the hearts of believers,
against those ... will say, at the last day, to all that are not born again of God ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/the indwelling of the spirit.htm

Apostolic Inspiration.
... Hence both sides concede that the apostles were born again, that they had received ...
kind, without equal, given to the apostles alone; never to other believers. ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxxi apostolic inspiration.htm

Publisher's Epilogue
... In fact, I dare say that each of us as individual Christians may disagree on certain
theological points, and yet as born-again believers in the Lord Jesus ...
// theology/publishers epilogue.htm

The Indwelling Spirit Fully and Forever Satisfying.
... if he has really been born again, the Spirit of God dwells in him. It is very evident
from the First Epistle to the Corinthians that the believers in Corinth ...
/.../the person and work of the holy spirit/chapter x the indwelling spirit.htm

The Bones and Flesh of Wisdom; the Side Out of which the Spiritual ...
... for otherwise the Church could not conceive believers, and give ... of His passion, should
die again, coming down ... grow up, even those who are born again by the ...
/.../chapter viii the bones and flesh.htm

Topical Bible Verses
John 3:1-8
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:

1 Peter 1:23
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and stays for ever.



Born Again

Born Again Believers

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