Sacrifices: Always offered Upon Altars
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 20:24
An altar of earth you shall make to me, and shall sacrifice thereon your burnt offerings, and your peace offerings, your sheep, and your oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come to you, and I will bless you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Axe at the Root --A Testimony against Puseyite Idolatry
... at all of the house of Levi offered sacrifice, and ... or the golden candlestick; they
were always within the ... Even the place where the sacrifices were carried on ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 12 1866/the axe at the roota.htm

On Idolatry
... I. It always has been, and is now, the ... images upon altars; or by offering sacrifices,
burning incense, by eating that which is offered in sacrifice to ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/disputation 23 on idolatry.htm

Upon the Character of Balaam. Preached the Second Sunday after ...
... blessing or curse was thought to be always effectual ... been much allured with the rewards
offered, yet he ... he seeks, the text says, by sacrifices and enchantments ...
// nature/sermon vii upon the character.htm

The Tears of Christ.
... echoes with the cries of hapless children offered to Moloch ... commanded to keep the
sacred fire always burning upon ... fed daily with wood, and with sacrifices of a ...
/.../the life of duty a years plain sermons v 2/sermon xlv the tears of.htm

Sacrifice Renewed
... foul hands could not bring acceptable sacrifices, and worship ... as if it had been avowedly
offered to Baal ... And that burnt-offering will always be accompanied with ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/sacrifice renewed.htm

The Martyrs in Alexandria.
... to sacrifice, but to be themselves sacrifices and offerings to ... to persecute when
the opportunity offered itself; and ... disposition, and it was always easy there ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xli the martyrs in alexandria.htm

The Polity Settled by Moses; and How He Disappeared from among ...
... when they have also offered those sacrifices which the ... And let it be always remembered,
that we are not to ... though after that day they never offered upon it any ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 8 the polity settled.htm

Whether Sufficient Reason Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies ...
... which, with greater perfection of mind, are offered to God ... let us offer the sacrifice
of praise always to God ... to be made for the offering of sacrifices and gifts ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether sufficient reason can be.htm

Of Certain Deities Peculiar to Barbarians, and their Sacred Rites ...
... From this kind of sacrifices those public rites are to ... for." For they always lose,
and they always find him ... At Lampsacus the victim to he offered to Priapus is ...
/.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap xxi of certain deities peculiar.htm

Perfection in Faith
... are sanctified persons, to offer spiritual sacrifices unto God ... thus ordained, the
priests went always into the ... not without blood, which he offered for himself ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/perfection in faith.htm



Sacrifices and Hardship

Sacrifices for Public Use often Provided by the State

Sacrifices of Praise

Sacrifices of Self-Denial

Sacrifices were Accepted when offered in Sincerity and Faith

Sacrifices were Bound to the Horns of the Altar

Sacrifices were offered by the Patriarchs

Sacrifices were offered for Individuals

Sacrifices were offered for the Whole Nation

Sacrifices were offered in Faith of a Coming Saviour

Sacrifices were offered: After the Departure of Israel from Egypt

Sacrifices were offered: At all the Feasts

Sacrifices were offered: Daily

Sacrifices were offered: from the Earliest Age

Sacrifices were offered: Monthly

Sacrifices were offered: Under the Mosaic Age

Sacrifices were offered: Weekly

Sacrifices were offered: Yearly

Sacrifices were Salted With Salt

Sacrifices were Typical of Christ's Sacrifice

Sacrifices without Obedience, Worthless

Sacrifices: "Calves of the Lips" Signifying Praise

Sacrifices: A Broken Spirit

Sacrifices: Always offered Upon Altars

Sacrifices: Benevolence

Sacrifices: Consisted of Clean Animals or Bloody Sacrifices

Sacrifices: Consisted of The Fruits of the Earth or Sacrifices Without Blood

Sacrifices: Could not Take Away Sin

Sacrifices: Devotedness

Sacrifices: Different Kinds of Burnt offering Wholly Consumed by Fire

Sacrifices: Different Kinds of Peace offering

Sacrifices: Different Kinds of Sin offering for Sins of Ignorance

Sacrifices: Different Kinds of Trespass offering for Intentional Sins

Sacrifices: Divine Institution of

Sacrifices: Fat of, not to Remain Until Morning

Sacrifices: Figurative

Sacrifices: Generally the Best of Their Kind

Sacrifices: Imparted a Legal Purification

Sacrifices: Martyrdom

Sacrifices: No Leaven offered With, Except For

Sacrifices: Offered to False Gods, are offered to Devils

Sacrifices: Often Consumed by Fire from Heaven

Sacrifices: On Great Occasions, Very Numerous

Sacrifices: Prayer

Sacrifices: Required to be Perfect and Without Blemish

Sacrifices: Righteousness

Sacrifices: Thanksgiving

Sacrifices: The Covenants of God Confirmed By

Sacrifices: The Jews: Condemned for Bringing Defective and Blemished

Sacrifices: The Jews: Condemned for not offering

Sacrifices: The Jews: Condemned for not Treating With Respect

Sacrifices: The Jews: Condemned for offering, to Idols

Sacrifices: The Jews: Unaccepted In, on Account of Sin

Sacrifices: The offering of, an Acknowledgment of Sin

Sacrifices: The Priests: Appointed to offer

Sacrifices: The Priests: had a Portion of, and Lived By

Sacrifices: To be Brought to the Place Appointed by God

Sacrifices: To be offered to God Alone

Sacrifices: when Bloody, Accompanied With Meat and Drink offering

Sacrifices: when offered to God, an Acknowledgement of his Being The

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