Groves: Destroyed by Gideon
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Judges 6:25-28
And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said to him, Take your father's young bullock, even the second bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the grove that is by it:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Book iii. --Of the Harmony of the Fathers of the Old and New ...
... While vanquishing the foe; races extern. And giants' progeny outdrave; razed groves; ...
Of whom when Gideon, guide. ... Dethroned; destroyed unhallowed temples; burned. ...
/.../fathers of the third century tertullian appendix/book iii of the harmony of.htm

The Seventh Book
... plowed fields, fruit orchards, charming groves, springing fountains ... crimes or greater
ones destroyed the provinces ... all the land like locusts, Gideon was ordered ...
// the government of god/the seventh book.htm

A Discourse
... of the cedars of Lebanon, and among groves of trees. ... will be hated, persecuted, and,
if possible destroyed by Satan ... Most High, as in the case of Gideon in his ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/a discourse.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... against the Hebrews"The judges, Ehud, Deborah, Jerubbaal or Gideon and the ... latter
river, and, spreading over the plains of Mount Tabor, destroyed the growing ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

Beginning at Jerusalem. --Luke xxiv. 47.
... Down went the groves, the idols, and altars of Baal, and ... and said, "Is not this he
that destroyed them that ... of Matthew the publican, and of Gideon and Sampson ...
/.../bunyan/jerusalem sinner saved/beginning at jerusalem luke xxiv 47.htm

The Jerusalem Sinner Saved;
... Down went the groves, the idols, and altars of Baal, and up went true ... them in time
past, now preached the faith which once he destroyed, 'they glorified God in ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the jerusalem sinner saved.htm



Groves for Idol Worship Planted by Ahab

Groves for Idol Worship Planted by Israelites

Groves for Idol Worship Planted by Manasseh

Groves of Canaanites, to be Destroyed

Groves: Antiquity of

Groves: Destroyed by Asa

Groves: Destroyed by Gideon

Groves: Destroyed by Hezekiah

Groves: Destroyed by Jehoshaphat

Groves: Destroyed by Josiah

Groves: Fondness of Israel For

Groves: Forbidden to be Established

Groves: God Promised to Wean Israel From

Groves: Idols Were Worshipped In

Groves: Not to be Planted Near God's Altar

Groves: Often on Tops of Hills

Groves: Often Used As Resting Places

Groves: Punishment for Making and Serving

Groves: Worshiped by Israelites

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