Confessing Christ: Apostles
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Acts 5:29-32,42
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Confessing Christ an Indispensable Duty.
... Pilate, but notwithstanding the teaching and miracles of the apostles, persevered
in ... Nor is it less strange, that confessing Christ should be thought a matter ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon xix confessing christ an.htm

The Teaching of the Apostles.
... Joseph, and Justus, sons of Hananias, and Caiaphas [3099] and Alexander the
priests"they too used to come to the apostles by night, confessing Christ that He ...
/.../unknown/the decretals/ancient syriac documents the teaching 2.htm

It Remains for Us, Lest Ancient Times May Perhaps have had the ...
... Thus, by allotting this very betrayal, now to the apostles, now to all, He pours
out the same destruction upon ... Besides, by confessing in Christ he confesses ...
/.../scorpiace antidote for the scorpions sting/chapter ix it remains for.htm

Doctrine of the Rest of the Apostles.
... by the apostles, and who, of all men, was the first to follow the footsteps of the
martyrdom of the Lord, being the first that was slain for confessing Christ, ...
/.../irenaeus/against heresies/chapter xii doctrine of the rest.htm

Christ's Sayings Respecting Martyrdom.
... to have believed with the heart; by confessing Him with ... action, and a true confession
toward Christ, in the ... cup;" in imitation of whom the apostles, that they ...
/.../chapter ix christs sayings respecting martyrdom.htm

Whether this Sacrament Should be Given to Man on the Forehead?
... publicly that he is a Christian: thus too the apostles after receiving the ... Secondly,
because man is hindered from freely confessing Christ's name, by two things ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether this sacrament should be 2.htm

The Epistles of Clement
... Chapter XLIV.--The Ordinances of the Apostles, that There Might Be No Contention
Respecting the Priestly Office. ... Chapter III.--The Duty of Confessing Christ. ...
// epistles of clement/

The Wisdom of God in the Means Used to Propagating the Gospel.
... laid before men, as was done by Christ and his apostles, do not ... to their farms, or
their merchandize," regardless of it, neither confessing Christ before men ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon ii the wisdom of.htm

Psalm LXXV.
... very pillars rocked: at the Passion of the Lord all the Apostles despaired. ... Do ye
think, my brethren, that all those who by confessing Christ even willed to die ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm lxxv.htm

The Progress of the Gospel from the Death of Christ to the Death ...
... Though the imminent peril of confessing Christ was well known, such was the ... Had the
apostles been anxious for power they would themselves have nominated the ...
/.../ ancient church/chapter iv the progress of.htm



Confessing Christ: A Test of Being Saints

Confessing Christ: An Evidence of Union With God

Confessing Christ: Apostles

Confessing Christ: Church in Pergamos

Confessing Christ: Consequences of Not

Confessing Christ: Ensures his Confessing Us

Confessing Christ: Influences of the Holy Spirit Necessary To

Confessing Christ: John

Confessing Christ: Man Born Blind

Confessing Christ: Martha

Confessing Christ: Martyrs

Confessing Christ: Must be Connected With Faith

Confessing Christ: Nathanael

Confessing Christ: Necessary to Salvation

Confessing Christ: Paul

Confessing Christ: Persecution should not Prevent Us From

Confessing Christ: Peter

Confessing Christ: Peter and John

Confessing Christ: Stephen

Confessing Christ: The Fear of Man Prevents

Confessing Christ: Timothy

Confessing Sin

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