Torrey's Topical Textbook
John 7:22,23Moses therefore gave to you circumcision; (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers;) and you on the sabbath day circumcise a man.
Torrey's Topical Textbook
Whether the Rite of Circumcision was Fitting?
... are related as having been performed with a ... also all penalties, will perfect the
spiritual circumcision, in the ... beyond the eighth day, sinned, even though it ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the rite of circumcision.htm
Jesus in the Temple.
... law of mercy was older than either circumcision or the ... their indignation against
him because he had performed an act ... one who is true; you do not even know who ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/jesus in the temple.htm
The Lord's Day --The Worship of the Apostolic Church --Its ...
... the recognition of saintship; and that, even when only ... bathing was perhaps as frequently
performed by affusion ... to supersede the Jewish circumcision, the Lord's ...
/.../ ancient church/chapter i the lords daythe.htm
Questions About the Nature and Perpetuity of the Seventh-Day ...
... True, we find that solemn worship was performed by the ... adding or growing: now a
sacrifice, then circumcision, then again ... he is said to be 'Lord even of the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/questions about the nature and.htm
Whether Unformed Faith is a Gift of God
... a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the ... in view of the circumstances
in which it is performed. ... good in themselves are due to God even when they ...
/.../aquinas/nature and grace/article two whether unformed faith.htm
Philippians iii. 3-Jan
... But no longer, says he, is circumcision performed in the ... had condemned circumcision,
and not only circumcision, but all ... to do it by name, he gave even them the ...
/.../homily x philippians iii 3-jan.htm
Appendix xvii. The Ordinances and Law of the Sabbath as Laid Down ...
... be done on the holy day needful for circumcision. ... emetics given, nor any medical
or surgical operation performed. ... on that sacred day have even unlawful food ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/appendix xvii the ordinances and.htm
In the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles.
... reveal it; but refers to the miracle performed on the ... Circumcision was great because
it purified legally a portion of ... 30) had now reached a faction even of the ...
/.../mcgarvey/the four-fold gospel/lxxviii in the temple at.htm
Book 13 Footnotes
... This account of the Idumeans admitting circumcision, and the ... fighting was unlawful
to Jews, even under the ... one thing, and his amanuensis performed another, by ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/book 13 footnotes.htm
Matt. xii. 9, 10
... a man on the Sabbath day receive circumcision, that the ... but since they thrust Him
away, not even against this ... Far from it; but when He hath performed His part ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xl matt xii 9.htm
Circumcision was Performed by Persons in Authority
Circumcision was Performed by the Heads of Families
Circumcision was Performed in the Presence of the Family
Circumcision was Performed with Knives of Flint
Circumcision was Performed: Even on the Sabbath Day
Circumcision was Performed: On Males Home-Born and Bought
Circumcision was Performed: On the Eighth Day
Circumcision without Faith, Vain
Circumcision without Obedience, Vain
Circumcision: A Designation of Christians
Circumcision: A Designation of the Jews
Circumcision: A Painful and Bloody Rite
Circumcision: A Prerequisite of the Privileges of the Passover
Circumcision: A Seal of Righteousness
Circumcision: A Seal of the Covenant
Circumcision: Abolished by the Gospel
Circumcision: Abraham
Circumcision: Abrogated
Circumcision: Accompanied With Naming the Child
Circumcision: Called The: Circumcision in the Flesh
Circumcision: Called The: Concision
Circumcision: Called The: Covenant of Circumcision
Circumcision: Characterized by Paul As a Yoke
Circumcision: Child Named at the Time of
Circumcision: Covenant Promises of
Circumcision: Described
Circumcision: Enforced by the Law
Circumcision: Figurative
Circumcision: First Performed on Abraham and his Family
Circumcision: Instituted by God
Circumcision: Institution of
Circumcision: Introductory Jewish Ordinances
Circumcision: Inward Grace
Circumcision: Israelites at Gilgal
Circumcision: Jesus
Circumcision: John the Baptist
Circumcision: Moses
Circumcision: Necessary to Enjoying the Privileges of the Jewish State
Circumcision: Necessity of, Asserted by False Teachers
Circumcision: Necessity of, Denied by Paul
Circumcision: Necessity of, Falsely Taught by Judaizing Christians
Circumcision: Neglect of, Punished
Circumcision: Neglected
Circumcision: Not Performed in the Wilderness
Circumcision: Outward Sign of
Circumcision: Paul
Circumcision: Paul Denounced for Opposing
Circumcision: Paul's Argument Against the Continuance of
Circumcision: Performed by Joshua at Gilgal
Circumcision: Performed on all Males on the Eighth Day
Circumcision: Performed on Timothy As a Matter or Expediency Because of The
Circumcision: Promises to Abraham Previous To
Circumcision: Punishment for Neglecting
Circumcision: Purity of Heart
Circumcision: Purity of Speech
Circumcision: Readiness to Hear and Obey
Circumcision: Rite of, Observed on the Sabbath
Circumcision: Saints the True Spiritual
Circumcision: Shechemites
Circumcision: Sometimes Performed on Slain Enemies
Circumcision: The Jews: Denominated By
Circumcision: The Jews: Despised As Unclean Those not of The
Circumcision: The Jews: Held It Unlawful to Intermarry With Those not of The
Circumcision: The Jews: Held No Intercourse With Those not of The
Circumcision: Timothy
Circumcision: Trusting To, a Denial of Christ
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