Birds are Hostile to Strange Kinds
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Jeremiah 12:9
My heritage is to me as a speckled bird, the birds round about are against her; come you, assemble all the beasts of the field, come to devour.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Whether There was any Reasonable Cause for the Ceremonial ...
... forbidden: in the griffon which is hostile to horses ... has this peculiarity apart from
other birds, that it ... sense, of the prohibition to sow strange doctrine in ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether there was any reasonable.htm

Rom. I. 18
... a strange road, or to sail over a strange sea, so ... made like to corruptible man, and
to birds, and four ... to prefer) against him, and one has become hostile to one ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily iii rom i 18.htm

The Old Testament and Modern Science
... faith, it is not altogether strange that they ... they too frequently assumed a hostile
attitude toward ... according to Genesis, fishes and birds appeared together on ...
/.../the christian view of the old testament/chapter ii the old testament.htm

Literary Expressions
... Birds were fluting in the tulip-trees. Biting sentences flew about. ... Into her eyes
had come a hostile challenge. ... Marked out for some strange and preternatural doom ...
/.../kleiser/fifteen thousand useful phrases/section vii literary expressions.htm

The Flight into Egypt and St. John the Baptist in the Desert
... wings and snakes, but they were not hostile and seemed only ... with the beasts, and
especially with the birds: they flew ... and it never seemed to me strange that in ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/xvi the flight into egypt.htm

New Teaching in Parables' - the Parables to the People by the Lake ...
... the Kingdom,' we can believe how utterly strange and un ... had come; and on the reply:
A hostile person has ... The other, concerning the birds which are attracted to ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xxiii new teaching in.htm

The First Book
... But we devour all kinds of birds, cattle and ... and put incense thereon, and offered
strange fire before ... toward the Epicureans was regularly hostile, in striking ...
// the government of god/the first book.htm

The Old Testament and Comparative Religion
... gliding noiselessly upon their victims; as birds, horrid of ... the exodus or later cannot
appear strange in view ... Jehovah and this monster the hostile creature and ...
/.../eiselen/the christian view of the old testament/chapter v the old testament.htm

Faustus Willing to Believe not Only that the Jewish but that all ...
... an epicure on the merits of fish, and birds, and quadrupeds ... For by means of this
mortality the hostile powers of ... It would be strange if one was said not to eat ...
/.../faustus willing to believe not.htm

A Treatise to Prove that no one Can Harm the Man who Does not ...
... than that revengeful demon who is implacably hostile to us ... was not a new and strange
method of life introduced ... what of the clouds of birds which covered the ...
/.../chrysostom/on the priesthood/a treatise to prove that.htm



Birds are Hostile to Strange Kinds

Birds of Abomination

Birds of Cruel and Rapacious Kings

Birds of Hostile Nations

Birds of People of Different Countries

Birds of Prey

Birds of the Devil and his Spirits

Birds of Unsettled Person

Birds: (Snaring) Death

Birds: (Snaring) Designs of the Wicked

Birds: Appointed for Food

Birds: Cages of

Birds: Called: Birds of the Air

Birds: Called: Feathered Fowl

Birds: Called: Fowls of Heaven

Birds: Called: Fowls of the Air

Birds: Called: Winged Fowl

Birds: Can all be Tamed

Birds: Clean: Cock and Hen

Birds: Clean: Crane

Birds: Clean: Dove

Birds: Clean: Offered in Sacrifice

Birds: Clean: Partridge

Birds: Clean: Pigeon

Birds: Clean: Quail

Birds: Clean: Sparrow

Birds: Clean: Swallow

Birds: Clean: To be Eaten

Birds: Clean: Turtle

Birds: Confinement of, in Cages Alluded To

Birds: Created by God

Birds: Created for the Glory of God

Birds: Creation of, on the Fifth Creative Day

Birds: Differ in Flesh from Beasts and Fishes

Birds: Divine Care of

Birds: Domesticated

Birds: Early Distinguished Into Clean and Clean

Birds: Figurative

Birds: Fly Above the Earth

Birds: Furnished With Claws

Birds: Given As Food to Man

Birds: God Provides For

Birds: Habits of

Birds: Have Each Their Peculiar Note or Song

Birds: Herb of the Field Given As Food To

Birds: Inhabit: Deserted Cities

Birds: Inhabit: Deserts

Birds: Inhabit: Marshes

Birds: Inhabit: Mountains

Birds: Instinct of, Inferior to Man's Reason

Birds: Instinctively Fear Man

Birds: Instincts of

Birds: Lessons of Wisdom to be Learned From

Birds: Make Their Nests in Clefts of Rocks

Birds: Make Their Nests in Deserted Cities

Birds: Make Their Nests in Trees

Birds: Make Their Nests: On the Ground

Birds: Make Their Nests: Under the Roofs of Houses

Birds: Make, and Dwell in Nests

Birds: Man's Dominion Over

Birds: Many Kinds of, Carnivorous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Graniverous

Birds: Many Kinds of, Migratory

Birds: Migrate

Birds: Moses' Law Protected the Mother from Being Taken With the Young

Birds: Names Given To, by Adam

Birds: Nests of

Birds: No Likeness of, to be Made for Worship

Birds: Not to be Eaten With Their Young

Birds: Often Remove from Places Suffering Calamities

Birds: Often Suffered for Man's Sin

Birds: Often Worshipped by Idolaters

Birds: Power Over Given to Man

Birds: Propagated by Eggs

Birds: Rapid Flight of, Alluded To

Birds: Rest on Trees

Birds: Solomon Wrote the History of

Birds: Solomon's Proverbs of

Birds: Songs of, at the Break of Day

Birds: Symbolical

Birds: Taken in Snares or Nets

Birds: The Blood of, not to be Eaten

Birds: The Property of God

Birds: Unclean: Bat

Birds: Unclean: Bittern

Birds: Unclean: Cormorant

Birds: Unclean: Cuckoo

Birds: Unclean: Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Gier Eagle

Birds: Unclean: Glede

Birds: Unclean: Great Owl

Birds: Unclean: Hawk

Birds: Unclean: Heron

Birds: Unclean: Kite

Birds: Unclean: Lapwing

Birds: Unclean: Little Owl

Birds: Unclean: Nighthawk

Birds: Unclean: Not to be Eaten

Birds: Unclean: Osprey

Birds: Unclean: Ossifrage

Birds: Unclean: Ostrich

Birds: Unclean: Owl

Birds: Unclean: Peacock

Birds: Unclean: Pelican

Birds: Unclean: Raven

Birds: Unclean: Stork

Birds: Unclean: Swan

Birds: Unclean: Vulture

Birds: What Species Were Unclean

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