Baptism: Sanctioned by Christ's Submission to It
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Matthew 3:13-15
Then comes Jesus from Galilee to Jordan to John, to be baptized of him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Luke 3:21
Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Third Day in Passion-Week - the Events of that Day - the ...
... What was their view of the Baptism in preparation for ... Christ's Kingdom is not of
this world; a true ... The State is Divinely sanctioned, and religion is Divinely ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter iii the third day.htm

Friends, or Quakers.
... Friends, published in London in 1800, and sanctioned by the ... of his mystical body;
and that the baptism with water ... But we hold that, as Christ's kingdom is not ...
// book of religions/friends or quakers.htm

At the Marriage Feast
... The water represented baptism into His death; the wine ... happiness, and by His presence
sanctioned the social ... and sacred union that exists between Christ and His ...
/...// desire of ages/chapter 15 at the marriage.htm

The Story of the Baptist, from his Last Testimony to Jesus to his ...
... first place of his preaching and Baptism, and onwards ... perceive why Jesus could not
have sanctioned, not even ... And such a sight of Christ's distinctive Work and ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter xxviii the story of.htm

Homilies on the Gospel of John.
... childhood, [250]74; nor till after His Baptism, [251]80 ... Concubinage, sanctioned by
heathen philosophers, [646]50. ... pardon, [648]29; not needful to Christ, [649]59 ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homilies on the gospel of.htm

Papal Infallibility Explained, and Tested by Tradition and ...
... the donation of Constantine and his baptism by Pope ... and the Liber Pontificalis, and
sanctioned by Gratianus ... as a primitive institution of Christ, clothed with ...
/.../ 34 papal infallibility explained.htm

The Dialogue against the Luciferians.
... a layman coming from the Arians has valid baptism, and then I ... L. I drop my hands
in token of submission. ... but first I congratulate you, and thank Christ my God ...
/.../the principal works of st jerome/the dialogue against the luciferians.htm

Appeal to the Christian Women of the South
... that circumcision has been superseded by baptism in the ... your duties to your servants
as unto Christ, not unto ... Judge for yourselves whether he sanctioned such a ...
/.../an appeal to the christian women of the south/appeal to the christian women.htm

Of the Power of Making Laws. The Cruelty of the Pope and his ...
... to that daily sign by which baptism, while brought ... primitive Church, according to
them, sanctioned a decree without any authority from Christ, by which ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 10 of the power.htm

Letter Lxxxii. (AD 405. )
... a fraud which was in some way sanctioned by expediency ... them already revealed in Christ
and ministered by baptism. ... words which you have quoted: "Christ is become ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter lxxxii a d 405.htm



Baptism For the Dead

Baptism of Fire

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism With the Holy Ghost and With Fire

Baptism With the Holy Spirit is Through Christ

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: All Saints Partake of

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: Christ Administered

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: Foretold

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: Necessity For

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: Promised to Saints

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: Renews and Cleanses the Soul

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: The Word of God Instrumental To

Baptism With the Holy Spirit: Typified

Baptism: Administered by Immersing the Whole Body of the Person In

Baptism: Administered to Households

Baptism: Administered to Individuals

Baptism: Administered to Only to Professing Believers

Baptism: Administered to Scriptures Supporting Infant Baptism

Baptism: Adopted by Christ

Baptism: Appointed an Ordinance of the Christian Church

Baptism: As Administered by John

Baptism: Christian

Baptism: Confession of Sin Necessary To

Baptism: Emblematic of the Influences of the Holy Spirit

Baptism: Faith Necessary To

Baptism: John's

Baptism: Regeneration, the Inward and Spiritual Grace of

Baptism: Remission of Sins, Signified By

Baptism: Repentance Necessary To

Baptism: Sanctioned by Christ's Submission to It

Baptism: There is But One

Baptism: To be Administered in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy

Baptism: Typified

Baptism: Unity of the Church Effected By

Baptism: Water, the Outward and Visible Sign In

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