Shiphrah and Puah
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Shiphrah and Puah

Midwives in Egypt, who through the fear of God spared the newborn sons of the Hebrews, contrary to the orders of the king. God rewarded their kindness to his people, though condemning no doubt the untruthfulness of their excuse to the king. He "made them houses," that is, probably gave each of them a numerous family, Exodus 1:15 21.


Some General Matters and Some Biblical Characters. The Bible Book ...
... (9) Adah, Gen.36:2. (10) Asenath, Gen.41:45. (11) Shiphrah and Puah, Ex.1:15. (12)
Jehochebed, Ex.6:20. (13) Miriam. Ex.2:4; 15:20; Num.12:1(etc. ...
/.../chapter viii some general matters.htm

Appeal to the Christian Women of the South
... What was the conduct of Shiphrah and Puah, when the king of Egypt issued
his cruel mandate, with regard to the Hebrew children? ...
/.../an appeal to the christian women of the south/appeal to the christian women.htm



Shiphrah and Puah

Shiphrah: A Hebrew Midwife

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