ATS Bible Dictionary
Rabbi and RabboniSee RAB.
4462. rhabbouni -- my master, my teacher ... 4462 () -- the emphatic form of 4461 ("
rabbi"), note the suffix ().
... rab Definition
my master, my teacher NASB Word Usage
Rabboni (2). Lord,
... // - 7kLibrary
The Heart of God
... "Well did Mary Magdalene call Him Rabboni," he said, "for Rabboni is my ... He said to
them, What seek ye?' And they answered Rabbi' (that is, being interpreted ...
/.../ friends of god/chapter xxvi the heart of.htm
The one Thing Needful
... For us, there must be no spiritual law-giver, and no infallible Rabbi, but the Blessed
One, whom Magdalene called "Rabboni," and whom Thomas saluted as, "My ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the one thing needful.htm
Traditionalism, Its Origin, Character, and Literature - the ...
... of Academies; nay, forming a kind of heavenly Sanhedrin, which occasionally requires
the aid of an earthly Rabbi. ... The NT expression Rabboni or Rabbouni (St. ...
/.../chapter viii traditionalism its origin.htm
The Welcome visitor
... word right home to you personally, and you will answer with gladness, "Rabboni!"
The Master ... they did their best, but she did not stop for the rabbi to finish ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 61 1915/the welcome visitor.htm
Jesus' Friendships after He Arose.
... But the moment he spoke her name, "Mary," she knew him, and answered, "Rabboni."
He was not changed to her. ... Browning puts it thus in "Rabbi Ben Ezra":". ...
/.../miller/personal friendships of jesus/chapter xiv jesus friendships after.htm
Rabbi and Rabboni
Rabbi used in Addressing Jesus
Rabbi used in Addressing John the Baptist
Rabbi: Forbidden by Jesus As a Title to his Disciples
Rabbi: Jesus Called "Rabboni"
Rabbi: Ostentatiously Used by the Pharisees
Rabbi: The Title of a Jewish Teacher
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