Ancestral Worship
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Topical Bible Verses
Exodus 20:1
And God spoke all these words, saying,


Let us Next Notice the Statements of Celsus, which Follow the ...
... And not to repeat his statements, which have been already before us, he says that
it is advantageous to the Jews to observe their ancestral worship, as other ...
/.../ against celsus/chapter xxv let us next.htm

The City of the "Elegant Gate"[*]
... The Buddhists have exhibited an exquisite taste for natural scenery, in selecting
such places for the situation of many of their temples.". ANCESTRAL WORSHIP. ...
/...// years in south china/iii the city of the.htm

Work Development
... is a large, well-built room, open to north and south, which is set apart for the
observance of the prescribed family rites connected with ancestral worship. ...
/.../the fulfilment of a dream of pastor hsis/chapter viii work development.htm

Contrasted Services
... So all priests and Levites in Israel, and all the adherents of the ancestral worship
in the Temple at Jerusalem, withdrew to the southern kingdom and added ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/contrasted services.htm

The Trial by Fire
... The great Name, which all listening to him had deposed from rule over them, is set
in the front; and the ancestral worship, as well as the divine gifts and ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the trial by fire.htm

The Foundations of Good Citizenship.
... gone. And not only in China, but in many other states we find ancestral
worship springing from this relation of father and son. ...
/.../kent/the making of a nation/study x the foundations of.htm

Any One, Indeed, who Chooses, May Relate How the Various Quarters ...
... follows from the dictum of Celsus, that it is an act of impiety on the part of the
Jews to do away with those ancestral laws which forbid the worship of any ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter xxvii any one indeed.htm

The Ancestral Home
... were no lords, or baronets, or princes in our ancestral line. ... The Sabbath worship
extended into Monday's conversation, and Tuesday's bargain, and Wednesday's ...
/.../ years in south china/i the ancestral home.htm

Daniel's First Protest against Idolatry.
... Come now, let us fetch the goddess from our ancestral home, and worship her here
in this place." The goddess referred to was Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu, the ...
/...// daniel/chapter two daniels first protest.htm

The victory of the God-Beloved Emperors.
... with his whole army, [2755] proposing to restore to the Romans their ancestral liberty. ...
our fathers, when they saw almost all men abandoning the worship of the ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter ix the victory of the.htm



Ancestral Worship

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