Sirach 6
Contemporary English Version

1that turn you into an enemy

instead of a friend.

A reputation for being dishonest

will bring you nothing

but shame and insults.

2Don't fall under the power

of evil desires.

They are burning flames

that will destroy you,

3and you will be left to wither,

like a tree with burned leaves

and scorched fruit.

4Evil desires will destroy you,

and your enemies will laugh.

Be Friendly with Everyone

5If you speak pleasantly

and politely,

you will make friends

and be welcome anywhere.

6Be friendly with everyone,

but only listen to advice

from those few you can trust.

7Make sure they are true friends

before you trust them,

8because some will be friendly

when everything is fine,

but they won't help

when you have trouble.

9If you argue with other friends,

they will become enemies

and tell about the argument

so you will look bad.

10Still others will come to dinner

but not to help

if you have trouble.

11In good times,

they will be so close,

that your servants

will have to obey them.

12But if you lose your wealth,

they will disappear.

13Keep your distance

from enemies

and don't be fooled

by false friends.

* 14Loyal friends will protect you

with all their strength

15and are worth more

than any other treasure.

* 16They are even like medicine

that can save your life.

And here's how you can have

such loyal friends:

17obey the Lord and choose friends

who also obey him.

Become a Slave to Wisdom

18Students, be disciplined

and learn Wisdom

when you are young,

and as your hair turns gray,

she will never desert you.

19 Learning Wisdom isn't so hard.

It's like plowing a little

and planting a few seeds--

then a short time later

eating food from the harvest.

20But to those who are fools

or have no discipline,

the job will seem too great,

and they will give up.

21When Wisdom tests them,

they will toss her aside,

as if she were a stone

too heavy to carry.

22Wisdom is hidden

from most people,

just as her name suggests.

23Pay attention, students--

don't reject my advice.

24Become a slave to Wisdom,

with her chains fastened

around your neck and feet.

25Carry her on your shoulders

and don't let those chains

make you angry.

26Make up your mind to follow

and stay close to Wisdom

wherever she goes.

27Search, and you will find her;

once she is yours,

hold her tightly.

28Then she will give you

a peaceful and happy life.

29Her chains on your feet

will become your protection,

and those on your neck

will turn into a royal robe,

30decorated with gold jewelry

and tied with a purple cord.

31You will wear Wisdom

like a beautiful robe

or like a crown

at a victory celebration.

32Students, you are able

to discipline yourself

and learn Wisdom--

just put your mind to it!

33Do you love to listen?

That's all it really takes

to gain Wisdom.

34Spend time with older people

and stay close to those

who are wise.

35When godly people speak,

pay attention, and memorize

every wise saying you hear.

36If you know smart people,

visit them whenever you can,

until their welcome mat

wears thin from your feet.

37 Never stop considering

God's laws and commands,

and he will strengthen your mind

with the Wisdom you want.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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