Sirach 5
Contemporary English Version

Always Keep God in Mind

1Don't trust your wealth

and say,

"I don't need anyone's help.

2I'm strong and smart enough

to get anything I want,

3and no one has the power

to make me obey."

Talk like that,

and God will punish you!

4 And don't reply, "I sinned,

but God didn't punish me."

God was being patient.

5Never be so sure

of his forgiveness

that you keep on sinning

6and say, "God is very kind,

and he will forgive me

even though I sin a lot."

Yes, God is kind,

but he also gets angry

and punishes sinners.

7Turn back to the Lord now--

don't wait until tomorrow.

If he gets angry,

he will quickly punish you

with death.

8And wealth gained by cheating

won't save you from disaster.

Stand Up for What You Believe

9Not every wind is good

for blowing away husks

from threshed grain.

And not every path leads

where you want to go.

But sinners will say anything

to get what they want.

10Stand up for what you believe,

and don't change what you say

from one time to the next.

11Be willing to listen to anyone,

but think before you answer.

12Then speak up, if you know

what to say;

and if not, just keep quiet.

13Your words can bring you honor,

but they can also cause

your ruin and disgrace.

14When you speak,

don't tear others down

or try to make them say

something wrong.

You would receive

severe punishment,

far worse than the shame

felt by thieves.

15So don't make big mistakes,

or even little ones,

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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