Sirach 30
Contemporary English Version

Raising Children

1Parents show love

for their children

by spanking them

whenever they do wrong.

Later those parents will be glad

to see their children

grow into fine adults.

2If parents correct a child,

they will someday boast

about how much help

that child has been to them.

3Parents who give their children

an education

make their enemies jealous

and can boast to friends.

* 4These parents have no regrets

when they die,

and they live on

in their children,

5who brought them such joy.

6Then it is up to the children

to take revenge

on their parents' enemies,

and to be kind

to their parents' friends.

7If you spoil your children,

you will have to put bandages

on the wounds they will get,

and you will shake with fear

every time you hear shouting.

8That's why you

must correct them,

so they will not be as stubborn

as unbroken horses.

* 9If you give children

everything they desire

and laugh when they sin,

10they will end up giving you

sadness, terror, and pain.

11Don't let them do

just anything they want,

but correct their mistakes.

12Break their stubbornness

by whipping them

while they are young,

or else they will disobey you

and bring you deep sorrow.

13Take care to discipline them,

so they will not disgrace you

when they are older.

Health Is Better than Wealth

14I would rather be poor,

yet healthy and strong,

than to be rich and sickly.

15To have your health

and a good attitude

is better than gold

and infinite riches.

16No amount of money

can compare with health

or bring happiness

deep inside your heart.

17Death is better

than a life of constant pain

and sickness.

18If a fine dinner is served,

but the guests

are too sick to eat,

the dinner will go to waste,

like food placed on a grave

19or like a sacrifice to an idol,

which cannot eat or smell.

If the Lord punishes people

by making them sick,

20they can only stare at food

and groan like a young man

unable to have sex

who holds a virgin

in his arms.

Enjoy Life and Forget Sorrow

21 Don't stay sad for too long

or look for reasons

to be upset.

22Joy and happiness will help you

to live longer.

23So enjoy life and forget sorrow,

because sorrow never helps,

and it has destroyed many.

24Jealousy and anger

will cut your life short,

and worrying makes you old

before your time.

25If you are cheerful at meals,

the food you eat

will do you more good.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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