Sirach 29
Contemporary English Version


1 Obey God's Law

about helping

your neighbors;

have mercy and lend them money

when they truly need it.

2If others lend you money,

pay them back,

and don't be late!

3If you keep your promises

to pay what you owe,

others will be glad

to lend you what you need.

4Many think what they borrow

is theirs to keep,

and this causes trouble

when others try to help them.

5Those who lend money

are treated with great respect

until the time comes

for loans to be repaid.

Then all they get are excuses

and stories of hard times.

6Sometimes they feel lucky

to get back half

of the money they lent.

And instead of respect,

a lender often gets nothing

but curses and angry words

from a borrower

who is robbing the lender

by not paying back the loan.

7That's why many refuse to lend;

they do care about others,

but they have no desire

to be cheated.

Give Generously to the Poor

8However, give to the poor;

be quick and generous.

9Obey the Lord's command--

don't refuse to help

when people are in need.

10Give away your silver

to a brother or a friend;

don't hide it under a rock,

where it will rust.

11Give your gold to the needy

as God Most High commands,

and you will be better off

than if you had kept it.

12Your gifts to the poor

are a treasure

that will rescue you

when trouble comes,

13and they give better protection

than the strongest shields

and spears.

Guaranteeing a Loan for a Friend

14When a friend needs a loan,

a good person will guarantee

that the loan will be repaid.

To refuse to help this friend

would be a disgrace.

15And remember--if friends

have helped you this way,

they have risked all they own

to be kind * 16and rescue you.

So if they are forced to repay

what you borrowed,

17you are not only ungrateful,

you are a sinner.

18People of wealth and power

have often become poor

and homeless,

drifting from place to place

in foreign countries,

their wealth taken in payment

for loans they guaranteed.

19Sinners want to make big profits

from guaranteed loans,

but they may get only trouble

and lawsuits in court.

20Be careful! There is danger

when you guarantee a loan,

but you have to help a friend

as much as you can.

Your Own Home Is Best

21Life's most important things

are water, food, clothing,

and a home that gives you

some privacy.

22It is better to be poor

in your own home,

than to live with others

and be treated to banquets.

23Be content with what you have,

because you will be insulted

if you live off others.

24You will always be miserable

and will not dare say a word,

if you have to depend on others

for food and a place to sleep.

25You will become their servant,

and instead of thanking you,

they will say,

26"Stranger, set the table!"

Or, "I'm still hungry--

give me your food."

27Finally they will tell you to leave

so they can give your room

to a relative

or some important guest.

28Such comments are insulting

to a sensitive person,

just like those of a lender

demanding payment of a loan.

Contemporary English Version, Second Edition (CEV®)

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