2 Maccabees 9:25
Good News Translation
Also, I know how the rulers along the frontiers of my kingdom are constantly on the lookout for any opportunity that may come along. That is why I have appointed my son Antiochus to succeed me as king. I have frequently entrusted him to your care and recommended him to you when I went on my regular visits to the provinces east of the Euphrates. (He is receiving a copy of the letter which follows.)

New Revised Standard Version
Moreover, I understand how the princes along the borders and the neighbors of my kingdom keep watching for opportunities and waiting to see what will happen. So I have appointed my son Antiochus to be king, whom I have often entrusted and commended to most of you when I hurried off to the upper provinces; and I have written to him what is written here.

Contemporary English Version
Moreover, in the countries along our borders, certain rulers are watching and waiting for a chance to take over our kingdom. For these reasons, I have appointed my son Antiochus the next king. I have already told you about him, and some of you even looked after him when I had to hurry off to the northern part of my kingdom. I have sent Antiochus a copy of this letter.

New American Bible
I am also bearing in mind that the neighboring rulers, especially those on the borders of our kingdom, are on the watch for opportunities and waiting to see what will happen. I have therefore appointed as king my son Antiochus, whom I have often before entrusted and commended to most of you, when I made hurried visits to the outlying provinces. I have written to him what is written here.

Douay-Rheims Bible
Moreover, considering that neighbouring princes, and borderers, wait for opportunities, and expect what shall be the event, I have appointed my son, Antiochus, king, whom I often recommended to many of you, when I went into the higher provinces: and I have written to him what I have joined here below.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Moreover, considering that neighbouring princes, and borderers, wait for opportunities, and expect what shall be the event, I have appointed my son, Antiochus, king, whom I often recommended to many of you, when I went into the higher provinces: and I have written to him what I have joined here below.

2 Maccabees 9:23
But considering that my father also, at what time he led an army into the higher countries, appointed who should reign after him:

2 Maccabees 9:24
To the end that if any thing contrary to expectation should fall out, or any bad tidings should be brought, they that were in the countries, knowing to whom the whole government was left, might not be troubled.

2 Maccabees 9:26
I pray you, therefore, and request of you, that, remembering favours both public and private, you will every man of you continue to be faithful to me and to my son.

2 Maccabees 9:27
For I trust that he will behave with moderation and humanity, and following my intentions, will be gracious unto you.

2 Maccabees 9
24To the end that if any thing contrary to expectation should fall out, or any bad tidings should be brought, they that were in the countries, knowing to whom the whole government was left, might not be troubled. 25Moreover, considering that neighbouring princes, and borderers, wait for opportunities, and expect what shall be the event, I have appointed my son, Antiochus, king, whom I often recommended to many of you, when I went into the higher provinces: and I have written to him what I have joined here below. 26I pray you, therefore, and request of you, that, remembering favours both public and private, you will every man of you continue to be faithful to me and to my son.…
Cross References
2 Maccabees 9:23
But considering that my father also, at what time he led an army into the higher countries, appointed who should reign after him:

2 Maccabees 9:24
To the end that if any thing contrary to expectation should fall out, or any bad tidings should be brought, they that were in the countries, knowing to whom the whole government was left, might not be troubled.

2 Maccabees 9:26
I pray you, therefore, and request of you, that, remembering favours both public and private, you will every man of you continue to be faithful to me and to my son.

2 Maccabees 9:27
For I trust that he will behave with moderation and humanity, and following my intentions, will be gracious unto you.

(2 M 2M 2Mac Mac maca macc 2macc IImac Imacc II mac)

2 Maccabees 9:24
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