Vindicate Me, O LORD 1 2Examine me O God and proue me: trye out my reynes and my heart. 3For thy louing kindnes is before mine eyes: and I wyll walke in thy trueth.
4I haue not sit 5I haue hated the congregation of the malitious: and I wyll not sit amongst the vngodly.
6I haue wasshed my handes in innocencie: and 7That in a publique confession I myght heare: and set foorth all thy wonderous workes. 8O God, I haue loued the habitation of thine house: and the place where thine honour dwelleth. 9O gather not my soule with sinners: nor my life with bloodie men. 10In whose handes is wickednes: and their right hande is full of gyftes. 11But as for me I wyll walke in my perfection: O redeeme me, and be mercyfull vnto me.
12My foote standeth vpon a playne |