King Saul's son Jonathan was a courageous warrior
King Saul's son Jonathan was a courageous warrior

King Saul's son Jonathan was a courageous warrior, but in a battle with the Philistines, he did not know about his father's vow not to eat, so he ate wild honey. For that Saul was ready to put him to death. But the soldiers would not let Saul do this to their brave warrior, so they rescued Jonathan from his father's punishment (1 Samuel 14:24-52).

king saul; jonathan; 1 Samuel 14:24-52; vow; vowed; vowing; wild honey; punish; punishes; punished; punishing; punishment; punisher; punishers; punisher's; punishers'; rescue; rescued; rescuing; rescuer; rescuer's; rescuers'; save; deliver; preserve; recover; recapture; liberate; free; redeem; extricate; release; emancipate; reprieve; ransom; retrieve; snatch; salvage; retain; safeguard; protect; withdraw; unloose; unleash; acquit; absolve; unfetter; unchain; clear; vows; punishments; rescues; rescuers; releases; ransoms; safeguards

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