The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Casting out the Spirits of
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Partakers of the Divine Nature
... Him the rejoicing life which will triumph over the death ... to live; it was worth while
for Christ to die ... souls of all sinful, God-forgetting, devil-following men ...
/.../partakers of the divine nature.htm

Christ the Conqueror of Satan
... the promise that is given us concerning our Lord's conquest over the devil this
one ... under the sneer of sarcasm and oppression rejoice and triumph, for now ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 22 1876/christ the conqueror of satan.htm

1 John ii. 27-iii. 8
... shall be the palm of victory, the triumph over the enemy ... to heart, that we may overcome
the devil indeed, but ... righteousness is born of Him:" of God, of Christ. ...
/.../ten homilies on the epistle of john to the parthians/homily iv 1 john ii.htm

Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ;
... and even now, as a sign of his triumph and conquest ... promise of God, or of Christ,
which maketh over to this ... Man, whose soul is possessed by the devil, is turned ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/come and welcome to jesus.htm

Matt. vi. 1
... And He here calls the devil "the wicked one ... him, and that he should be delivered
over to undying ... of them in a different way publishing this glorious triumph. ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xix matt vi 1.htm

Glorious Predestination
... as referring to God, to men, to the devil, and to ... they must not reckon to ride in
triumph through those ... who are made in his image, have dominion over all things ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 18 1872/glorious predestination.htm

Some Gospel Truths Opened, According to the Scriptures; Or, the ...
... them of the scriptures within; which Christ never taught ... a reprobate mind, have given
themselves over, rather to follow the suggestions of the devil, than the ...
/.../the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/some gospel truths opened according.htm

The Wandering Bird
... if he doth not move us, let not the devil do it ... but what will it be to be with him
in his triumph? ... thee, he looked upon thee, he spread his skirt over thee, he ...
// on proverbs/the wandering bird.htm

The New Song
... Such a victory over such foes ... shall be manifest, and they shall share his triumph,
and all ... ways of finding true pleasure besides selling your soul to the devil? ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 9 1863/the new song.htm

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners Or, a Brief Relation of ...
... no man can say, especially when tempted by the devil, that Jesus ... set me down in all
the things of Christ, and how ... me, talk with me, and comfort me over and over ...
/.../bunyan/grace abounding to the chief of sinners/grace abounding to the chief.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 11:20
But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come on you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Luke 13:32
And he said to them, Go you, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



The Devil: Assumes the Form of an Angel of Light

The Devil: Cast Down to Hell

The Devil: Cast out of Heaven

The Devil: Character of Cowardly

The Devil: Character of Deceitful

The Devil: Character of Fierce and Cruel

The Devil: Character of Malignant

The Devil: Character of Powerful

The Devil: Character of Presumptuous

The Devil: Character of Proud

The Devil: Character of Subtle

The Devil: Character of Wicked

The Devil: Compared to a Fowler

The Devil: Compared to a Roaring Lion

The Devil: Compared to a Serpent

The Devil: Compared to a Sower of Tares

The Devil: Compared to a Wolf

The Devil: Compared to Fowls

The Devil: Everlasting Fire is Prepared For

The Devil: Hinders the Gospel

The Devil: Opposes God's Work

The Devil: Perverts the Scripture

The Devil: Saints: Afflicted By, Only As God Permits

The Devil: Saints: Overcome

The Devil: Saints: Shall Finally Triumph Over

The Devil: Saints: should be Armed Against

The Devil: Saints: should be Watchful Against

The Devil: Saints: should Resist

The Devil: Saints: Sifted By

The Devil: Saints: Tempted By

The Devil: Shall be Condemned at the Judgment

The Devil: Sinned Against God

The Devil: Tempted Christ

The Devil: The Apostasy is of

The Devil: The Author of the Fall

The Devil: The Wicked are the Children of

The Devil: The Wicked: Blinded By

The Devil: The Wicked: Deceived By

The Devil: The Wicked: do the Lusts of

The Devil: The Wicked: Ensnared By

The Devil: The Wicked: Possessed By

The Devil: The Wicked: Punished, Together With

The Devil: The Wicked: Troubled By

The Devil: The Wicked: Turn Aside After

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Casting out the Spirits of

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Destroying the Works of

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Empowering his Disciples to Cast Out

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ in Resisting his Temptations

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Completed by his Death

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Illustrated

The Devil: Triumph Over, by Christ: Predicted

The Devil: Works Lying Wonders

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