The Dead: Diviners
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Prophets and the Prophet
... who have a 'familiar spirit,' and those who in any way consult the dead. ... that order
is presented as standing towards all that rabble of diviners and sorcerers ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/prophets and the prophet.htm

Of Porphyry's Epistle to Anebo, in which He Asks for Information ...
... He inquires further, and still as one in doubt, whether diviners and wonderworkers ...
capable of assuming all forms, simulating gods, demons, and dead men,"and ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 11 of porphyrys epistle to.htm

Whether we Ought to Distinguish Several Species of Divination?
... because after certain incantations and the sprinkling of blood, the dead seem to ...
Reply to Objection 3: The things observed by diviners are considered by them ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether we ought to distinguish.htm

The Cruelty of Herod Toward the Infants, and the Manner of his ...
... with difficulty, and he had convulsions in all his limbs, so that the diviners said
that ... oil, his eyes became weak and turned up like the eyes of a dead person ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter viii the cruelty of herod.htm

Whether Divination is a Species of Superstition?
... of diviners, who mutter in their enchantments," it is added by way of answer: "Should
not the people seek of their God, a vision for the living and the dead? ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether divination is a species.htm

Professions of Some Kinds Allied to Idolatry. Of Astrology in ...
... and whomsoever else out of the same class of the dead [213] it ... the Gospel, you will
nowhere find either sophists, Chaldeans, enchanters, diviners, or magicians ...
/.../tertullian/on idolatry/chapter ix professions of some kinds.htm

The Ark among the Philistines
... Philistines, and many people were killed, and your two sons are dead, and the ... Then
the Philistines called the priests and diviners and asked, "What shall we do ...
/.../sherman/the childrens bible/the ark among the philistines.htm

How Archelaus Upon a Second Accusation, was Banished to vienna.
... vision appeared to beof great importance to him, he sent for the diviners, whose
study ... was married to Juba, the king of Lybia; and when he was dead, and she ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 13 how archelaus upon.htm

The Canonical Epistle of St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, to St. ...
... If they who run to conjurers or diviners, do it through unbelief, they shall be ... who
dig into graves, and rake into the ashes and bones of the dead, in order to ...
/.../schaff/the seven ecumenical councils/vi the canonical epistle of.htm

Of the Causes which Alienate us from God.
... to me, "Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ ... His court
was filled with Platonic philosophers and diviners, and he sacrificed daily to ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/chapter v of the causes which.htm

Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 8:19
And when they shall say to you, Seek to them that have familiar spirits, and to wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek to their God? for the living to the dead?
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Dead (People): Anointing

Dead (People): Burnings of Incense Made For

Dead (People): Dorcas

Dead (People): Eutychus

Dead (People): Jairus' Daughter

Dead (People): Lazarus

Dead (People): Prepared for Burial by Washing

Dead (People): Raised to Life, (See

Dead (People): The Shunammite Woman's Son

Dead (People): The Son of the Widow of Zarephath

Dead (People): The Widow's Son

Dead (People): The Young Man Laid in Elisha's Grave

Dead (People): Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Dead (People): Wrapping in Linen

Dead Beat Dads

Dead Body

Dead Sea

Dead Sea: Called Salt Sea

Dead Sea: East Sea

Dead Sea: Former Sea

Dead Sea: Prophecy Concerning

Dead Sea: Sea of the Plain

The Dead in a House Rendered It Unclean

The Dead were Washed and Laid Out

The Dead were Wrapped in Lined With Spices

The Dead: A Priest not to Mourn For, Except when Near of Kin

The Dead: A State of Deep Affliction

The Dead: All offerings To, Forbidden

The Dead: Characterised by Absence of all Human Passions

The Dead: Characterised by Being Incapable of Motion

The Dead: Characterised by Being Without the Spirit

The Dead: Characterised by Ignorance of all Human Affairs

The Dead: Characterised by Inability to Glorify God

The Dead: Diviners

The Dead: Even Bones of, Caused Uncleanness

The Dead: Eyes of, Closed by Nearest of Kin

The Dead: Faith Without Works

The Dead: Freedom from the Law

The Dead: Freedom from the Power of Sin

The Dead: Heathenish Expressions of Grief For, Forbidden

The Dead: High Priest in No Case to Mourn For

The Dead: Idolaters: Consecrated Part of Their Crops To

The Dead: Idolaters: Invoked and Consulted

The Dead: Idolaters: Offered Sacrifices For

The Dead: Idolaters: Tore Themselves For

The Dead: Impotence

The Dead: Instances of, Restored by Christ

The Dead: Instances of, Restored to Life Before Christ

The Dead: Man's State by Nature

The Dead: Mourning For, often by Hired Mourners

The Dead: Mourning For, often with Plaintive Music

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Lasted Many Days

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Loud and Clamorous

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Change of Apparel

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Covering the Head

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Taring the Hair

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Testified by Tearing the Garments

The Dead: Mourning For, often: Very Great

The Dead: Nazarites not to Touch or Mourn For

The Dead: Regard often Shown to the Memory of

The Dead: Return not to This Life

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Carcases

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Corpses

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Deceased

The Dead: Terms Used to Express: Those Who are Not

The Dead: The Jews Looked for a Resurrection From

The Dead: They Who Have Departed This Life

The Dead: Those Defiled By, Removed from the Camp

The Dead: Too Soon Forgotten

The Dead: Touching of, Caused Uncleanness

The Dead: Uncleanness Contracted From, Removed by the Water Separation

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