Breastplate: Illustrative of The: Defence of Faith and Love
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The Holy War,
... shield of faith, the helmet, the breastplate, the two ... is the object of attack and
defence"one human ... that appeared to be explanatory or illustrative in other ...
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Thessalonians 5:8
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Breastplate for Soldiers: Bright and Shining

Breastplate for Soldiers: Made of Iron

Breastplate for the High Priest: Form and Dimensions of

Breastplate for the High Priest: Made from the offering of the People

Breastplate for the High Priest: Materials of

Breastplate of the High Priest

Breastplate: A Part of Defensive Armour

Breastplate: A Part of the High Priest's Dress

Breastplate: Armor for Soldiers

Breastplate: Figurative

Breastplate: for High Priest

Breastplate: for High Priest: Directions for the Making of

Breastplate: for High Priest: Freewill offering of Materials For

Breastplate: for High Priest: Made by Bezaleel

Breastplate: for High Priest: Worn by Aaron

Breastplate: had Names of the Tribes Engraved on Precious Stones

Breastplate: Illustrative of The: Defence of Faith and Love

Breastplate: Illustrative of The: Defence of Righteousness

Breastplate: Illustrative of The: Righteous Judgment of Christ

Breastplate: Inseparably United to the Ephod

Breastplate: The Urim and Thummim Placed In

Breastplate: Worn As a Memorial


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