Rites of Sanctification: Top row
Rites of Sanctification: Top row

Rites of Sanctification: Top row, from left to right: bringing animals for sacrifice, dressing Aaron in high priest's clothing; Aaron clothes his sons for the sacrifice; blood smeared on the horns of the altar; burning fat on altar; sprinkling blood on altar. Bottom row, from left to right: washing hands and feet of Aaron and his sons; anointing Aaron's head with olive oil; Aaron and sons put hands on the animal; burning fat; killing the animal; burning animal on altar.

rites of sanctification; rite; sanctification; aaron; aaron's sons; priest; high priests; animals for sacrifice; burning on altar; sprinkling blood; washing hands and feet; anointing the head; killing the sacrificial animal. ; rites; priests

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Rites of Sanctification: Top row
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