When five Amorite kings went to war against Gibeon
When five Amorite kings went to war against Gibeon

When five Amorite kings went to war against Gibeon, Joshua came to their rescue, for he had made a treaty with them. During the battle, Joshua prayed for the sun and moon to stand still over the Valley of Aijalon to give him time to complete the victory. This is found in Joshua 10:1-21.

joshua; Joshua 10:1-21; valley of aijalon; amorites; amorite kings; gibeon; war; warfare; battle; military; army; soldier; conquest; victory; victorious; victoriously; defeat; command; control; dominion; winning; triumphant; mastering; conquering; successful; undefeated; exultant; unbeaten; supremacy; ascendancy; achievement; advantage; subjugation; overcoming; overthrow; gaining; defeating; subduing; destruction; killing; wars; battles; militaries; armies; soldiers; conquests; victories; defeats; commands; controls; dominions

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