
The evil Haman was hanged on the tall gallows that he had made to hang Mordecai, God's justice clearly seen to His people (Esther 7--8).

haman; mordecai; Esther 7--8; gallows; hanged; assassinated; justice; just; justly; honest; impartial; exact; upright; proper; precise; right; good; reasonable; fair; equable; equitable; square; righteous; lawful; legitimate; well-founded; cogent; justified; well-grounded; true; faithful; strict; undistorted; veracious; appropriate; deserved; due; merited; requisite; rightful; suitable; conscientious; honorable; scrupulous; dispassionate; nondiscriminatory; objective; unbiased; uncolored; unprejudiced; apt; befitting; felicitous; fitting; happy; meet; moral; uncorrupt; truthful; blameless; sincere; ethical; principled; upstanding; straightforward; straight; valid; legal; sound; sensible; logical; solid; strong; firm; balanced; wise; regular; constitutional; defensible; warrantable; unquestionable; conscionable; reputable; justifiable; credible; unerring; reliable; tangible; believable; unimpeachable; worthy; adequate; acceptable; decorous; timely; apropos; expedient; frankly; unreservedly; candidly; moderately; temperately; piously; tolerantly; charitably; virtuously; beneficently; dutifully; helpfully; properly; duly; benignly; well; closely; particularly; distinctly; clearly; precisely; lucidly; realistically; rationally; nicely; meticulously; strictly; rigorously; severely; sharply; critically; shrewdly; painstakingly; painfully; factually; objectively; propriety; integrity; desert; reasonableness; lawfulness; fullness; legality; rectitude; virtue; sanction; authority; code; charter; creed; credo; decree; legitimization; rule; regularity; adjudication; settlement; arbitration; hearing; regulation; pronouncement; review; appeal; sentence; pleading; litigation; prosecution; honor; honorableness; goodness; justices; rights; goods; fairs; squares; dues; objectives; morals; sounds; regulars; tangibles; worthies; wells; proprieties; deserts; virtues; sanctions; codes; charters; creeds; decrees; rules; settlements; regulations; reviews; sentences; prosecutions

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Satan sent terrible boils
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