When the evil Persian
When the evil Persian

When the evil Persian prime minister Haman decreed that all Jews should be slaughtered, Mordecai showed his mourning and sorrow by dressing in sackcloth (Esther 3--4).

mordecai; haman; decree; persian; prime minister; slaughtered; Esther 3--4; sackcloth; mourn; mourns; mourned; mourning; sorrow; sorrowed; sorrowing; sorry; sorrowful; sorrowfully; affliction; anguish; care; dole; grief; heartache; heartbreak; regret; rue; woe; sadness; pain; catastrophe; misfortune; weeping; grieving; lamenting; distress; dolor; vexation; repentance; remorse; contrition; penitence; agony; unhappiness; misery; bereavement; lamentation; trouble; wretchedness; infelicity; desolation; oppression; depression; suffering; bitterness; trial; tribulation; sore; disaster; evil; bale; grievance; undoing; discomfort; hardship; visitation; privation; adversity; cloud; curse; travail; ordeal; stress; austerity; difficulty; plight; strait; cancer; canker; worry; bewilderment; extremity; burden; cross; load; scourge; infliction; mischance; injustice; reverse; stroke; pestilence; torment; blight; handicap; hindrance; impediment; pine; despair; fret; lose heart; repine; droop; bemoan; bewail; despond; deplore; brood; languish; sink; groan; moan; sob; melancholy; doleful; lamentable; plaintive; dejected; downcast; heavy; disconsolate; cheerless; cast down; crestfallen; pathetic; dispirited; broken-hearted; joyless; somber; blue; miserable; grave; sober; staid; pensive; dismal; gloomy; dreary; tearful; crushed; pessimistic; forlorn; inconsolable; crying; complaining; whining; unfortunate; deplorable; noxious; tragic; sinister; black; overwhelming; grieved; poor; paltry; insignificant; worthless; mean; despicable; trifling; small; unimportant; base; beggarly; menial; remorseful; apologetic; attritional; compunctious; contrite; penitent; contemptible; cheap; shabby; conscience-stricken; touched; self-accusing; melted; self-condemnatory; softened; trivial; disappointed; encumbered; bowed; stricken; decrees; prime ministers; sorrows; cares; doles; griefs; regrets; woes; catastrophes; misfortunes; distresses; vexations; repentances; miseries; lamentations; troubles; desolations; oppressions; depressions; sufferings; trials; sores; disasters; evils; grievances; discomforts; hardships; privations; clouds; curses; travails; ordeals; stresses; difficulties; plights; straits; cancers; cankers; worries; extremities; burdens; crosses; loads; scourges; injustices; strokes; pestilences; torments; blights; handicaps; hindrances; impediments; pines; despairs; broods; sinks; groans; moans; sobs; graves; bases

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