Ezra called for a public fast
Ezra called for a public fast

Ezra called for a public fast, so people would confess their sins and seek the will of God (Ezra 9--10).

ezra; public fast; fasting; sin; Ezra 9--10; confess; confesses; confessed; confessing; confession; seek; seeks; sought; seeking; seeker; seekers; seeker's; seekers'; concede; disclose; acknowledge; admit; allow; certify; endorse; recognize; grant; accept; own; avow; let on; relate; narrate; level with; go to confession; be shriven; receive absolution; humble oneself; announce; state; make a clean breast; plead guilty; spill; come clean; divulge; reveal; lay bare; expose; bring to light; let into the secret; breathe; confide to; utter; vent; speak out; communicate; blurt out; make known; profess; declare; repent; be sorry for; acknowledgment of guilt; admission; of fault; avowal of error; declaration; disclosure; revelation; divulgence; utterance; publication; exposure; expose'; apology; self-reproach; penance; sackcloth and ashes; remission of sins; self-accusation; compunction; contrition; remorse; penitence; regret; concession; allowance; assenting; owning up; revealing; affirmation; assertion; unbosoming; telling; recitation; statement; sins; confessions; grants; states; spills; vents; declarations; revelations; utterances; publications; exposures; penances; regrets; concessions; recitations; statements

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