
Although Nehemiah was a high official for the Persian court, a cupbearer to the king, he wisely waited until the right time to present his petition, or favor, to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls (Nehemiah 1--2).

nehemiah; cupbearer; official; king; court; Nehemiah 1--2; petition; rebuild; favor; favored; favoring; favorite; favoritism; backing; cooperation; endorse; value; prize; admired; adored; esteemed; revered; cherished; prized; treasured; laudable; pleasant; praiseworthy; wall; jerusalem; regard; account; admiration; consideration; esteem; estimation; respect; approval; benediction; blessing; ok; benevolence; boon; compliment; largess; present; courtesy; dispensation; indulgence; kindness; service; accept; approve; approbate; countenance; go for; hold with; oblige; accommodate; convenience; encourage; advocate; resemble; feature; simulate; help; support; tribute; prefer; like; sanction; praise; pick; choose; lean toward; incline toward; honor before; think well of; look up to; eulogize; think the world of; stick up for; be sweet on; be partial to; grant favors to; further; promote; treat with partiality; play favorites; show consideration; spare; commend; smile upon; befriend; patronize; side with; indulge; deal with gently; humor; extenuate; palliate; facilitate; expedite; ease; succor; abet; foster; friendly disposition; kindly regard; good opinion; appreciation; good will; friendliness; propitious aspect; benignity; pleasure; kind act; benefaction; good turn; benefit; good deed; gift; love-token; honorarium; offering; championship; espousal; protection; cover; guidance; leaning; prejudice; bias; nepotism; permission; leave; pardon; beloved; darling; dear; fair-haired; loved; pet; precious; popular; preferred; well-liked; idol; ideal; mistress; paramour; teacher's pet; apple of one's eye; especial; personal; intimate; choice; jewel; front-runner; welcomed; partiality; partisanship; unilateralism; one-sidedness; prepossession; inequity; unfairness; unjustness; injustice; predilection; penchant; proclivity; weakness for; officials; kings; courts; petitions; favors; favorites; values; prizes; walls; regards; considerations; esteems; estimations; respects; blessings; boons; compliments; presents; courtesies; indulgences; kindnesses; services; countenances; conveniences; features; helps; supports; tributes; sanctions; praises; picks; spares; pleasures; gifts; offerings; championships; protections; covers; prejudices; permissions; leaves; pardons; darlings; dears; pets; idols; ideals; mistresses; choices; jewels; injustices

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