
Large wooden frames called yokes hitched together two animals so they could pull heavy loads evenly. Here Jeremiah wears a yoke, a symbol of the yoke of bondage the people must bear when King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquers Judah (Jeremiah 27:1-8).

yoke; wooden frames; wood; frame; hitched; hitched together; Jeremiah 27:1-8; jeremiah; yoke of bondage; king nebuchadnezzar; king of babylon; king; bondage; animal; work; working; warn; warns; warned; warning; worked; caution; forewarn; inform; acquaint; advise; apprise; notify; post; tell; command; bid; charge; direct; enjoin; instruct; order; signal; prepare; alert; remind; hint; admonish; counsel; exhort; dissuade; reprove; threaten; forbid; predict; remonstrate; deprecate; prescribe; urge; recommend; prompt; suggest; advocate; discourage; deter; restrain; disclose to; advertise; summon; admonition; notice; intimation; premonition; sign; indication; token; lesson; information; example; injunction; symptom; handwriting; on the wall; gathering clouds; lowering sky; omen; portent; threat; yokes; woods; frames; kings; animals; works; warnings; posts; commands; bids; charges; orders; signals; hints; counsels; urges; summons; notices; intimations; signs; indications; tokens; lessons; examples; symptoms; handwritings; omens; threats

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