
The evil King Ahab of Israel wanted Naboth's vineyard next to his palace, but Naboth did not want to sell it, so Queen Jezebel arranged to have Naboth killed and Ahab claimed the vineyard, stealing it from Naboth and his family (1 Kings 21).

king ahab; queen jezebel; evil; israel; vineyard; grape; palace; naboth; 1 Kings 21; stole; steal; steals; stealing; stolen; mooch; frisk; grab; grasp; hijack; shanghai; rustle; abstract; annex; appropriate; filch; bag; thieve; loot; rob; purloin; embezzle; defraud; withdraw; divert; lift; remove; impress; abduct; kidnap; rifle; sack; cheat; cozen; strip; poach; counterfeit; swindle; plagiarize; misappropriate; housebreak; burglarize; blackmail; fleece; plunder; pillage; despoil; ransack; pinch; pocket; swipe; sneak; lurk; shirk; skulk; slide; slink; slip; creep; glide; pirate; usurp; extort; snatch; copy; forge; falsify; misrepresent; assume; imitate; evils; vineyards; grapes; palaces; rustles; bags; loots; lifts; rifles; sacks; cheats; strips; counterfeits; fleeces; plunders; pinches; pockets; sneaks; slides; slips; creeps; pirates; copies; forges

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