
A prophet brought a warning to King Jereboam of Israel. Jeroboam angrily rejected God's message and raised his hand to order men to arrest the prophet, but his hand became paralyzed. Then Jeroboam begged the prophet to heal his hand (1 Kings 13:1-10).

prophet; king jeroboam; israel; paralyzed; paralysis; 1 Kings 13:1-10; warning; warn; warns; warned; reject; rejects; rejected; rejecting; rejection; decline; disapprove; dismiss; refuse; reprobate; repudiate; spurn; turn down; discard; cashier; cast; jettison; junk; scrap; shed; slough; throw away; throw out; renounce; expel; eject; ejaculate; remove; exclude; preclude; abandon; maroon; forswear; forbear; ignore; abnegate; oust; dislodge; boycott; eliminate; prohibit; forbid; proscribe; forsake; banish; overrule; relegate; excise; extirpate; extract; uproot; eradicate; exterminate; discredit; disallow; scout; disbelieve; repel; rebuff; deny; veto; interdict; slight; despise; detest; disdain; disbar; bar; negate; discountenance; disown; disinherit; abhor; ostracize; waive; exempt; oppose; gainsay; traverse; impugn; belie; disaffirm; challenge; contemn; flout; revile; snub; mock; jeer at; gibe; neglect; dodge; prophets; paralyses; warnings; rejections; discards; cashiers; casts; junks; scraps; sheds; extracts; scouts; rebuffs; vetoes; slights; bars; challenges; snubs; gibes

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