
Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of ships that traded in ivory; gold, and other valuables (1 Kings 9:26-28).

solomon; 1 Kings 9:26-28; wealth; wealthy; rich; riches; richly; richness; richer; richest; money; fleet; ship; ivory; gold; valuable; comfortable; easy; well-off; fat; flush; opulent; affluent; ample; copious; sumptuous; abundant; plentiful; plenteous; precious; generous; gorgeous; luscious; spicy; racy; exuberant; fruitful; fertile; superb; independent; moneyed; superabundant; profuse; luxuriant; lavish; bejeweled; embellished; ornate; gilt; inlaid; beautiful; flamboyant; florid; heavy; expressive; eloquent; meaningful; pregnant; significant; magnificent; resplendent; costly; expensive; splendid; extravagant; grand; prolific; productive; bearing; propagating; yielding; nourishing; sustaining; strengthening; satisfying; prosperous; thriving; flourishing; bountiful; rife; teeming; full; well-supplied; sufficient; replete; inexhaustible; adequate; commensurate; fine; estimable; sublime; imposing; majestic; possession; fortune; property; means; capital; substance; resource; income; revenue; inheritance; belongings; estate; effect; good; monies; fleets; ships; ivories; valuables; fats; fines; possessions; fortunes; properties; capitals; substances; resources; incomes; revenues; inheritances; estates; effects; goods

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When Solomon completed the Temple
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