When Solomon became king
When Solomon became king

When Solomon became king, he was intent on executing Joab, who had murdered several important people and had supported Adonijah's rebellion. Joab fled to the Tabernacle and clung to the horns, or corners, of the altar, where he would normally be safe. But Solomon ordered Benaiah to execute him there (1 Kings 2:28-34).

solomon; king; joab; 1 Kings 2:28-34; murder; safe; safer; safest; safely; safety; adonijah; tabernacle; horns of the altar; shielding; unassailable; unharmed; unscathed; riskless; secure; healthy; wholesome; cautious; calculating; careful; circumspect; considerate; discreet; guarded; wary; protected; housed; unmolested; impregnable; saved; safeguarded; defended; supported; sustained; maintained; upheld; preserved; shielded; fostered; cherished; watched; supervised; tended; attended; innocent; trustworthy; dependable; competent; unexposed; guaranteed; intact; kept; unhurt; undamaged; alive; unbroken; well; hale; conservative; timid; prudent; suspicious; sure; faithful; steady; sound; fixed; solid; established; legitimate; honest; unerring; valid; infallible; firm; stable; certain; rooted; unfailing; unchangeable; authoritative; substantial; incorruptible; upright; scrupulous; honorable; authentic; constant; preservation; refuge; surety; exemption; sanctuary; harbor; anchorage; shelter; custody; immunity; salvation; covert; concealment; cover; escape; impunity; assurance; execute; executed; executing; executioner; kings; murders; safes; safeties; tabernacles; wells; sounds; stables; preservations; refuges; sureties; sanctuaries; harbors; shelters; immunities; salvations; concealments; covers; escapes; impunities; executioners

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