David's son Absalom was a spoiled
David's son Absalom was a spoiled

David's son Absalom was a spoiled, undisciplined, rebellious young man who murdered his half brother Amnon. For this, he had to run away from David. One day a woman came to David with a fictitious story to convince the king to accept Absalom back to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 13:27--14:33).

david; absalom; amnon; jerusalem; 2 Samuel 13:27--14:33; run away; discipline; correct; corrects; corrected; correcting; correction; correctly; correctness; careful; rebel; rebelled; rebelling; rebel's; rebels'; rebellion; rebellious; rebelliousness; meticulous; punctilious; scrupulous; faithful; true; undistorted; veracious; faultless; flawless; impeccable; adversary; antagonist; opponent; assailant; attacker; extremist; disaffected; estranged; chastise; beat; punish; castigate; reform; improve; amend; rectify; mend; right; chasten; better; help; ameliorate; remove the errors or faults of; remedy; alter; retouch; redress; reclaim; accommodate for; fix up; do; remodel; review; reconstruct; reorganize; edit; revise; make corrections; make improvements in; set aright; make right; make compensation or reparation for; put in order; doctor; touch up; polish; admonish; chide; reprimand; take to; task; overhaul; berate; straighten out; accurate; precise; exact; strict; factual; perfect; unerring; free; from error; not faulty; unmistaken; infallible; conforming to; fact or truth; in accordance with an accepted standard; proper; conventional; fitting; meet; seemly; fit; appropriate; becoming; suitable; decorous; decent; nice; anarchy; anarchist; insurgent; insurrectionist; malcontent; mutineer; revolutionist; revolutionary; agitator; traitor; seditionist; nihilist; guerrilla; rioter; demagogue; separatist; schismatic; deserter; recreant; dissenter; apostate; sectarian; turncoat; renegade; secessionist; independent; individualist; iconoclast; innovator; experimenter; experientialist; irreconcilable; heretic; nonconformist; riot; defy authority; strike; revolt; secede; boycott; walk; mutiny; break with; revolutionize; overthrow; overturn; upset; shrink; recoil; shy; recede; be unwilling; react; rebound; flinch; quail; avoid; demur; scruple; flee; despise; retire; hate; wince; insurrect; rise against; resist; renounce; combat; oppose; insubordinate; be treasonable; dethrone; disobey; remonstrate; denounce; criticize; insurrection; revolution; debacle; uprising; rising; upheaval; outbreak; tumult; insubordination; disorder; disturbance; defiance; disobedience; insurgency; convulsion; opposition; subversion; tie-up; lockout; treason; sedition; counterrevolutionary; warring; attacking; dissident; factious; refractory; resistant; restless; bellicose; sabotaging; disloyal; alienated; ungovernable; threatening; radical; pugnacious; quarrelsome; stubborn; contemptuous; insolent; scornful; intractable; unyielding; recalcitrant; contumacious; contrary; oppositional; unruly; daring; uncontrollable; unmanageable; fractious; disorderly; restive; disciplines; corrections; rebels; rebellions; opponents; reforms; rights; helps; remedies; reviews; doctors; tasks; overhauls; fits; insurgents; mutineers; revolutionaries; traitors; deserters; renegades; riots; strikes; revolts; walks; mutinies; upsets; rebounds; quails; scruples; combats; insurrections; revolutions; outbreaks; tumults; disorders; disturbances; disobediences; convulsions; oppositions; treasons

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When Absalom rebelled against his father David
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