David's son Absalom plotted to rebel against David
David's son Absalom plotted to rebel against David

David's son Absalom plotted to rebel against David, seize his father's throne and become king. To win favor with the people, he bought a beautiful chariot and horses and rode through the streets of Jerusalem in great honor (2 Samuel 15:1-6).

absalom; david; david's son; 2 Samuel 15:1-6; plot; plotted; plotting; plotter; plotter's; plotters'; rebel; rebelled; rebelling; rebel's; rebels'; rebellion; rebellious; rebelliousness; complicity; ruse; trick; lay; brew; hatch; setup; finagle; adversary; antagonist; opponent; assailant; attacker; extremist; disaffected; estranged; intrigue; conspiracy; combination; plan; scheme; design; project; proposal; outline; sketch; draft; program; platform; plank; slate; machination; idea; forecast; unfolding; movement; climax; event; incident; enactment; suspense; structure; build-up; scenario; stratagem; shift; maneuver; confederacy; party; league; clique; coalition; racket; collusion; frame-up; contrive; devise; invent; frame; concoct; organize; conspire; map out; propose; put forward; suggest; premeditate; calculate; measure; represent; compute; determine; chart; survey; delineate; diagram; depict; cogitate; collude; connive; anarchy; anarchist; insurgent; insurrectionist; malcontent; mutineer; revolutionist; revolutionary; agitator; traitor; seditionist; nihilist; guerrilla; rioter; demagogue; separatist; schismatic; deserter; recreant; dissenter; apostate; sectarian; turncoat; renegade; secessionist; independent; individualist; iconoclast; innovator; experimenter; experientialist; irreconcilable; heretic; nonconformist; riot; defy authority; strike; revolt; secede; boycott; walk; mutiny; break with; revolutionize; overthrow; overturn; upset; shrink; recoil; shy; recede; be unwilling; react; rebound; flinch; quail; avoid; demur; scruple; flee; despise; retire; hate; wince; insurrect; rise against; resist; renounce; combat; oppose; insubordinate; be treasonable; dethrone; disobey; remonstrate; denounce; criticize; insurrection; revolution; debacle; uprising; rising; upheaval; outbreak; tumult; insubordination; disorder; disturbance; defiance; disobedience; insurgency; convulsion; opposition; subversion; tie-up; lockout; treason; sedition; counterrevolutionary; warring; attacking; dissident; factious; refractory; resistant; restless; bellicose; sabotaging; disloyal; alienated; ungovernable; threatening; radical; pugnacious; quarrelsome; stubborn; contemptuous; insolent; scornful; intractable; unyielding; recalcitrant; contumacious; contrary; oppositional; unruly; daring; uncontrollable; unmanageable; fractious; disorderly; restive; plots; rebels; rebellions; ruses; tricks; hatches; opponents; intrigues; conspiracies; combinations; plans; schemes; designs; projects; proposals; outlines; sketches; drafts; programs; platforms; planks; slates; ideas; forecasts; movements; climaxes; events; incidents; structures; stratagems; shifts; maneuvers; confederacies; parties; leagues; cliques; rackets; frames; measures; charts; surveys; diagrams; insurgents; mutineers; revolutionaries; traitors; deserters; renegades; riots; strikes; revolts; walks; mutinies; upsets; rebounds; quails; scruples; combats; insurrections; revolutions; outbreaks; tumults; disorders; disturbances; disobediences; convulsions; oppositions; treasons

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