David and Jonathan were best friends
David and Jonathan were best friends

David and Jonathan were best friends, but Jonathan's crippled son Mephibosheth could have claimed his grandfather Saul's throne. Despite that, David was kind to him, and brought him into the palace to live (2 Samuel 9).

david; jonathan; crippled; mephibosheth; 2 Samuel 9; grandfather; grandson; son; kind; kinder; kindly; kindness; propitious; responsive; clement; father; benevolent; good; affectionate; loving; caring; beneficent; generous; charitable; amiable; gracious; cordial; obliging; indulgent; warm-hearted; kind-hearted; humane; good-intentioned; well-meaning; well-meant; fatherly; motherly; brotherly; sisterly; paternal; maternal; fraternal; merciful; friendly; sympathetic; considerate; accommodating; soft-hearted; tender; benign; benignant; good-hearted; courtesy; dispensation; service; heedful; thoughtful; careful; pleasant; soft; compassionate; understanding; solicitous; sweet; compliant; helpful; neighborly; noble-minded; delicate; tactful; gentle; tenderhearted; good-natured; inoffensive; altruistic; lenient; acquiescent; easy-going; patient; tolerant; mellow; genial; sensitive; courteous; agreeable; assisting; willing; mild; unselfish; forbearing; warm; pitying; polite; devoted; gallant; good-mannered; civil; unhostile; bounteous; conciliatory; winsome; philanthropic; humanitarian; unhardened; temperate; touched; moved; fond; grandfathers; grandsons; sons; kinds; kindnesses; fathers; goods; tenders; courtesies; services; understandings; patients

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