
When David sinned against Bath-sheba and her husband Uriah, God sent the Prophet Nathan to tell David of his sin and punishment (2 Samuel 12; 1 Chronicles 20:1-3).

david; bath-sheba; uriah; nathan; prophet; 2 Samuel 12; 1 Chronicles 20:1-3; sin; sinned; sinning; sin's; sin-burdened; sin-loving; sinful; sinfulness; sinner; sinner's; sinners'; punish; punishes; punished; punishing; punishment; punisher; punishers; punisher's; punishers'; evil; vice; transgression; guilt; fault; wrong; wickedness; falsification; falsehood; lying; cheating; chicanery; double-dealing; double-crossing; hypocrisy; immorality; ill-doing; evildoing; lust; perjury; criminality; depravity; viciousness; iniquity; delinquency; crime; offense; wrongdoing; felony; misconduct; atrocity; ungodliness; profligacy; corruption; imperfection; deficiency; demerit; shortcoming; error; trespass; unrighteousness; pride; covetousness; anger; gluttony; envy; sloth; offend; transgress; misbehave; fall; lapse; infraction; misdemeanor; misdeed; impiety; blasphemy; infringement; profanity; violation; desecration; breach; debauchery; degradation; badness; villainy; depraved; ungodly; vile; unchristian; infamous; sinister; devious; despicable; blamable; culpable; unclean; unholy; mischievous; abandoned; accursed; reprobate; dissolute; degenerate; wayward; wanton; defiled; damned; heinous; shameless; blameworthy; amiss; reprehensible; adulterer; adulteress; wrongdoer; delinquent; miscreant; chastise; correct; lash; discipline; beat; whip; scourge; kick; castigate; inflict; afflict; chasten; sentence; reprove; lecture; penalize; fine; trounce; decimate; admonish; retaliate; requite; pay; repay; suffering; deprivation; unhappiness; trial; penance; mortification; reparation; forfeiture; forfeit; confiscation; rod; condemnation; judgment; lesson; vengeance; pain; price; visitation; redress; loss; desert; reckoning; prophets; sins; sinners; punishments; evils; vices; transgressions; faults; wrongs; falsehoods; hypocrisies; iniquities; crimes; wrongdoings; corruptions; imperfections; deficiencies; shortcomings; errors; trespasses; prides; envies; sloths; falls; lapses; misdeeds; profanities; violations; breaches; lashes; disciplines; whips; scourges; kicks; sentences; lectures; fines; sufferings; trials; penances; rods; condemnations; judgments; lessons; vengeances; prices; losses; deserts; reckonings

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