King Saul was chasing David
King Saul was chasing David

King Saul was chasing David, hoping to kill him. One night, David sneaked into Saul's camp and took Saul's water jug and spear. The next morning he showed these to Saul from a distance, telling Saul that he had shown mercy not to kill him (1 Samuel 26).

king saul; david; 1 Samuel 26; night; water jug; spear; mercy; merciful; mercifully; kindly; condoning; goodwill; gratuitous; kind; lenient; gentle; tender; gracious; feeling; compassionate; clement; kind-hearted; pitiful; sympathetic; humane; soft-hearted; forbearing; pity; charity; humanity; indulgence; toleration; tolerance; forgiveness; favor; mildness; lenience; pardon; benignity; grace; benevolence; blessing; easy; sparing; commiseration; exorable; moderate; touched; loving-kindness; longsuffering; nights; spears; mercies; kinds; tenders; feelings; pities; charities; humanities; indulgences; forgivenesses; favors; pardons; graces; blessings; moderates

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King Saul was chasing David
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