King Saul chased David
King Saul chased David

King Saul chased David, hoping to kill him. In a lonely cave, David cut off a piece of Saul's robe. He could have killed the king, but showed mercy instead (1 Samuel 23:29--24:22).

david; king saul; 1 Samuel 23:29--24:22; mercy; merciful; mercifully; kindly; condoning; goodwill; gratuitous; kind; lenient; gentle; tender; gracious; feeling; compassionate; clement; kind-hearted; pitiful; sympathetic; humane; soft-hearted; forbearing; pity; charity; humanity; indulgence; toleration; tolerance; forgiveness; favor; mildness; lenience; pardon; benignity; grace; benevolence; blessing; easy; sparing; commiseration; exorable; moderate; touched; loving-kindness; longsuffering; mercies; kinds; tenders; feelings; pities; charities; humanities; indulgences; forgivenesses; favors; pardons; graces; blessings; moderates

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