
Doeg the Edomite told King Saul that the priest Ahimelech had helped David, so Saul ordered Doeg to murder eighty-five priests, all wearing their priestly robes (1 Samuel 22:9-23).

ahimelech; priest; kill; kills; killed; killing; killer; killer's; killers'; doeg the edomite; 1 Samuel 22:9-23; murder; murdered; murdering; slay; assassinate; destroy; massacre; butcher; hang; slaughter; dispatch; execute; behead; disembowel; bayonet; saber; hack; dismember; decapitate; victimize; exterminate; stab; mangle; decimate; liquidate; bludgeon; erase; ruin; annihilate; blot out; silence; cut off; wound mortally; pierce; extinguish; quench; quell; mortal; lethal; fatal; homicide; bloodshed; foul play; carnage; martyrdom; capital; punishment; flaying; strangling; patricide; matricide; suicide; infanticide; elimination; deadly; devastating; destructive; gory; manslaughter; priests; killers; murders; massacres; dispatches; bayonets; sabers; stabs; bludgeons; ruins; silences; mortals; capitals; punishments; suicides

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