When Saul's son Jonathan
When Saul's son Jonathan

When Saul's son Jonathan, who was a very courageous young man, saw how courageous David was when he defeated Goliath, Jonathan became his lifelong friend, giving David his robe, sword, bow, and belt (1 Samuel 18).

david; jonathan; 1 Samuel 18; robe; sword; bow; belt; friend; friendliness; friendly; friendship; affinity; attraction; empathy; consonance; coalition; federation; fusion; league; associate; companion; acquaintance; familiar; ally; chum; messmate; comrade; pal; buddy; mate; accomplice; adherent; partner; coadjutor; assistant; confidant; schoolmate; playmate; roommate; bedfellow; intimate; fellow; compatriot; colleague; supporter; consort; co-worker; brother; neighbor; patron; benefactor; counselor; cordiality; affability; warmheartedness; amity; amicability; amiability; sociability; kindliness; good will; familiarity; brotherliness; neighborliness; heartiness; benignity; sympathy; considerateness; geniality; benevolence; devotion; favor; regard; alliance; fraternity; love; kindness; affection; attachment; comity; esteem; fellowship; pact; understanding; knowledge; agreement; intercourse; concord; harmony; lovingkindness; respect; attention; attentiveness; appreciation; tenderness; congeniality; complaisance; loyalty; steadfastness; staunchness; responsiveness; graciousness; wholeheartedness; sincerity; generosity; fondness; liking; brotherhood; assistance; response; help; aid; patronage; partiality; kind; helpful; sympathetic; favorable; conciliatory; propitious; amicable; careful; well-disposed; neighborly; sociable; social; kindly; loving; attentive; affectionate; fond; brotherly; agreeable; genial; hearty; solicitous; affable; tender; complaisant; companionable; cordial; accessible; ardent; promising; salutary; fair; advantageous; benign; pro; receptive; well-intentioned; civil; peaceful; accommodating; acquiescent; unoffensive; nonbelligerent; fair-spoken; pleasant; confiding; close; faithful; steadfast; true; trusted; fast; cheerful; convivial; cooperative; robes; swords; bows; belts; friends; friendships; fusions; leagues; companions; chums; comrades; pals; mates; partners; schoolmates; playmates; roommates; fellows; colleagues; supporters; consorts; brothers; neighbors; patrons; counselors; kindlinesses; sympathies; devotions; favors; regards; fraternities; loves; kindnesses; esteems; fellowships; pacts; understandings; intercourses; concords; harmonies; respects; loyalties; sincerities; responses; helps; patronages; kinds; tenders; fairs; fasts; cooperatives

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