Goliath was nine-feet tall
Goliath was nine-feet tall

Goliath was nine-feet tall, with a mighty arsenal of weapons. David was a teenager with only a slingshot. But David had God with him and Goliath did not, so David won (1 Samuel 17:31-58).

goliath; david; nine-feet tall; 1 Samuel 17:31-58; arsenal; weapon; war; warfare; sword; shield; victory; victorious; victoriously; command; control; dominion; spear; slingshot; winning; triumphant; mastering; conquering; successful; undefeated; exultant; unbeaten; prize-winning; ovation; mastery; supremacy; ascendancy; achievement; advantage; celebration; subjugation; conquest; better; superiority; upper hand; overcoming; overthrow; gaining; defeating; subduing; destruction; killing; knockout; arsenals; weapons; wars; swords; shields; victories; commands; controls; dominions; spears; slingshots; celebrations; conquests

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