
Drink offerings were a part of many Israelite sacrifices. At Mizpah, Samuel gave a drink offering as he led the people to repentance (1 Samuel 7:3-17).

drink offerings; sacrifice; 1 Samuel 7:3-17; repent; repents; repented; repenting; repentant; repentance; mizpah; samuel; regret; deplore; rue; be sorry; have qualms; penitent; lament; repine; bewail; bemoan; weep over; expiate; redress; sorrow; remorse; penitence; contriteness; contrition; compunction; self-denunciation; self-abasement; self-reproach; self-condemnation; self-humiliation; sting of conscience; attrition; penance; propitiation; admission; shift; renunciation of sin; lamentation; reformation; apologetic; sorry; sacrifices; repentances; regrets; laments; sorrows; penances; shifts; lamentations; reformations

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