The are many postures for prayer
The are many postures for prayer

The are many postures for prayer. This man is kneeling

pray; pray; prays; prayed; praying; prayer; prayerful; prayerfulness; beg; appeal; beseech; entreat; implore; importune; plead; supplicate; petition; solicit; call upon; adjure; invoke; request; conjure; imprecate; urge; press; besiege; apply to; crave; bid; supplication; entreaty; suit; importunity; imploration; imprecation; solicitation; postulation; invocation; application; plea; requisition; address; praise; adoration; thanksgiving; intercession; devout; given to prayer; religious; devotional; reverent; pious; solemn; lowly-minded; fervent; heavenly-minded; holy; reverential; godly; humble; pietistic; orthodox; posture; kneeling; bowing; prayers; petitions; requests; urges; presses; bids; supplications; entreaties; suits; solicitations; invocations; pleas; requisitions; praises; thanksgivings; intercessions; postures

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