Jesus heals a lame man at the Pool of Bethesda
Jesus heals a lame man at the Pool of Bethesda

Jesus heals a lame man at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-15)

jesus; pool of bethesda; John 5:1-15; lame man; heal; heals; healed; healing; healer; healers; healer's; healers'; restore; renew; treat; attend; make healthy; minister; renovate; make whole; regenerate; remedy; meliorate; set; purify; rejuvenate; medicate; reinvigorate; rebuild; revive; rehabilitate; revivify; purge; resuscitate; salve; get well; knit; mend; restorative; invigorating; medicinal; cure; wholesome; improve; effect a cure; recover; be healed; come round; pull through; gain; strength; advance; convalesce; recuperate; get over; rally; healthful; mild; composing; comforting; soothing; therapeutic; emollient; cleansing; purifying; antidotal; bracing; tonic; regenerative; restoring; treats; ministers; remedies; sets; purges; salves; cures; gains; strengths; rallies; tonics

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