Mars was the patron god of Roman soldiers
Mars was the patron god of Roman soldiers

Mars was the patron god of Roman soldiers, rousing the fighting spirit of the men on the battlefield.

mars; god; patron god; roman soldiers; rome; battlefield; war; warfare; battle; fighting spirit; rouse; stir; stirs; stirred; stirring; arouse; awaken; bestir; challenge; kindle; rally; wake; waken; whet; incite; abet; foment; instigate; provoke; raise; set; inflame; move; beat; combine; fuse; scramble; mix; blend; mingle; merge; shake; rustle; agitate; jiggle; rock; jog; disturb; animate; vibrate; budge; goad; prod; propel; drive; shove; whip; boost; actuate; push; motivate; jostle; hustle; prompt; start; spur; quicken; inspire; promote; fire; electrify; encourage; precipitate; catapult; speed; jolt; vivify; energize; excite; trouble; infect; impassion; perturb; inspirit; interest; upset; jar; disquiet; sharpen; startle; shock; gods; battlefields; wars; battles; challenges; rallies; wakes; raises; sets; moves; combines; fuses; mixes; shakes; rustles; rocks; jogs; goads; prods; drives; shoves; whips; pushes; hustles; starts; spurs; fires; catapults; speeds; jolts; troubles; interests; upsets; jars; shocks

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