The friends of Dorcas
The friends of Dorcas

The friends of Dorcas, or Tabitha, were devastated to lose the woman who had done so much wonderful service for them. When Peter came for a visit, he raised Dorcas from the dead (Acts 9:36-43).

dorcas; tabitha; peter; Acts 9:36-43; death; dying dies; died; serve; serves; served; serving; service; servant; servant's; servants'; serviceability; resurrection; resurrect; resurrects; resurrected; resurrecting; raise; revive; reactivate; rekindle; renew; renovate; resuscitate; retrieve; revitalize; revivify; reanimation; rebirth; renaissance; resurgence; transformation; return to life; restoration; regeneration; deaths; services; servants; resurrections; raises; rebirths; transformations; restorations

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Flasks or vials buried with dead people
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