Until Thomas could touch Jesus
Until Thomas could touch Jesus

Until Thomas could touch Jesus, he doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead. He would believe only when he could touch Jesus' wounds (John 20:19-31).

thomas; believe; doubt; doubted; doubting; doubtful; doubtfully; doubtfulness; touch; wounds; jesus; John 20:19-31; question; suspect; impugn; contradict; insinuate; mistrust; surmise; distrust; discredit; disbelieve; hesitate; scruple; challenge; uncertainty; concern; dubiety; incertitude; skepticism; suspicion; wonder; disbelief; unbelief; misgiving; apprehension; agnosticism; incredulity; faithlessness; jealousy; diffidence; rejection; perplexity; indecision; irresolution; hesitancy; suspense; lack of confidence or certainty; faltering; vacillation; ambiguity; dilemma; reluctance; difficulty; wavering; demur; bewilderment; quandary; unsettled opinion; timidity; bashfulness; feeling of inferiority; inferiority complex; query; have doubts about; dispute; object; deny; smell a rat; harbor suspicions; fear; shy at; not know which way to turn; confusion; open question; unsettled in opinion; undetermined; obscure; problematical; enigmatical; equivocal; vague; precarious; muddy; puzzling; baffling; nebulous; shrouded; in mystery; cryptic; veiled; indefinite; incredible; debatable; disputable; questionable; indeterminate; controvertible; border-line; clouded; open; queasy; shady; shaky; unclear; uneasy; unstable; doubts; touches; questions; suspects; scruples; challenges; uncertainties; concerns; suspicions; wonders; misgivings; jealousies; rejections; reluctances; difficulties; timidities; queries; disputes; objects; fears; confusions

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