
Jesus was angry that the moneychangers and merchants had turned the Temple, God's house, into a den of thieves, instead of a place of worship (Matthew 21:12-13).

jesus; moneychangers; merchant; temple; god's house; Matthew 21:12-13; thief; dishonest; dishonesty; devious; furtive; oblique; insidious; deceitful; knavish; lying; mendacious; roguish; shifty; untruthful; crooked; corrupt; snide; chicane; chicanery; double-dealing; fraud; hanky-panky; high-binding; sharp practice; trickery; backbiting; treacherous; cunning; sneaky; wily; misleading; bluffing; elusive; slippery; shady; swindling; cheating; sneaking; traitorous; villainous; sinister; perfidious; hoodwinking; underhanded; two-faced; double-crossing; unprincipled; shiftless; unscrupulous; undependable; disreputable; questionable; dishonorable; false-hearted; counterfeit; infamous; immoral; discredited; ignoble; inglorious; unworthy; shabby; mean; low; venial; self-serving; contemptible; canting; rotten; dirty; fishy; fork-tongued; infidelity; faithlessness; falsity; falsehood; craft; artifice; duplicity; untrustworthiness; insidiousness; guile; slyness; stealing; rascality; cleverness; artfulness; subtleness; embezzlement; forgery; perjury; treason; unjust; unfair; thievish; wrongful; unlawful; inequitable; betrayal; insincerity; malpractice; malfeasance; graft; merchants; temples; thieves; dishonesties; frauds; trickeries; counterfeits; falsehoods; crafts; embezzlements; treasons; grafts

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