
Nero was one of the most wicked of all Roman emperors. This is an authentic drawing of a bust and a coin with a likeness of Nero.

nero; roman; emperor; drawing; coin; bust; likeness; wicked; wickedly; wickedness; iniquitous; vile; sinful; wayward; wrong; vicious; erring; dissolute; disorderly; disreputable; corrupt; immoral; impure; evil; malevolent; evil-disposed; evil-minded; shameful; base; foul; gross; atrocious; scandalous; infamous; villainous; hellish; devilish; demoniacal; fiendish; bad; reprobate; playful; impish; mischievous; roguish; off-color; racy; spicy; suggestive; malicious; despiteful; hateful; malignant; rancorous; spiteful; dangerous; hazardous; perilous; risky; treacherous; unhealthy; unsound; troublesome; mean; ugly; outrageous; barbarous; unchristian; uncivilized; unconscionable; ungodly; unholy; irreligious; blasphemous; profane; naughty; degenerate; depraved; incorrigible; unruly; heartless; degraded; debauched; hard; toughened; indecent; remorseless; contemptible; rotten; dirty; plotting; conspiratorial; flagrant; criminal; heinous; murderous; tricky; sinister; ignoble; monstrous; felonious; slippery; crooked; abominable; profligate; lewd; irreverent; sacrilegious; impious; unprincipled; unrighteous; ignominious; satanic; pernicious; accursed; infernal; obscene; ribald; lustful; adulterous; unchaste; bestial; rascally; lawless; guilty; blameworthy; debt; vice; infamy; godlessness; offense; abomination; atrocity; enormity; transgression; perversity; pollution; fornication; carnality; rape; defilement; impenitence; misdemeanor; trespass; romans; emperors; drawings; coins; busts; likenesses; wrongs; evils; bases; criminals; debts; vices; infamies; transgressions; trespasses

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