
Ten young women wait with their lamps for a wedding feast. But five wisely prepared while five foolishly forgot to prepare (Matthew 25:1-13).

wedding; feast; lamp; lamp oil; olive oil; Matthew 25:1-13; wise; wiser; wisest; wisdom; wisely; prudence; prepare; prepares; prepared; preparing; preparation; foresight; sagacity; farsightedness; acumen; astuteness; intelligence; comprehension; acuteness; ability; discrimination; discernment; penetration; subtlety; good judgment; brain; capacity; inspiration; reason; clear thinking; attainment; insight; depth; understanding; discretion; reasonableness; sense; skill; judiciousness; knowledge; learning; enlightenment; information; experience; lore; science; common sense; rationality; shrewdness; wit; carefulness; vigilance; tact; balance; poise; stability; caution; solidity; insightful; knowing; perceptive; sage; wise-hearted; sensible; clever; calculating; crafty; wary; intellectual; strong-minded; profound; expedient; advisable; canny; quick; quick-witted; sharp; smart; sound; deep-thinking; informed; scholarly; learned; skilled; circumspect; watchful; staid; sober; regardful; heedful; alert; observant; guarded; wide-awake; well-advised; diplomatic; scrupulous; conscientious; weddings; feasts; lamps; olive oils; wisdoms; preparations; foresights; intelligences; comprehensions; discernments; penetrations; subtleties; brains; capacities; inspirations; reasons; insights; depths; understandings; discretions; senses; skills; experiences; lores; sciences; wits; vigilances; balances; stabilities; sages; intellectuals; sounds

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A shepherd divides his sheep from his goats
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