
The unselfish servant has waited up until late at night for his master to return, while the selfish servant has gone to sleep (Luke 12:35-40).

servant; unselfish; unselfishly; unselfishness; selfish; selfishness; selfishly; Luke 12:35-40; waiting; selfless; self-forgetful; disinterested; charitable; kind; liberal; openhanded; large-minded; magnanimous; generous; benevolent; beneficent; indulgent; chivalrous; helpful; self-denying; self-sacrificing; loving; self-effacing; devoted; incorruptible; considerate; humane; ungrudging; lavish; unsparing; big-hearted; bounteous; bountiful; egocentric; egoistic; egotistic; self-absorbed; self-centered; self-concerned; self-interested; self-seeking; self-serving; self-indulgent; narrow; narrow-minded; prejudiced; egotistical; miserly; stingy; parsimonious; illiberal; ungenerous; grudging; mean; close-fisted; acquisitive; calculating; conniving; grasping; covetous; uncharitable; hoggish; piggish; greedy; mercenary; worldly; sordid; self-advancing; churlish; tight-fisted; pinching; close; sparing; venal; avaricious; usurious; extortionate; rapacious; servants; kinds; liberals; mercenaries

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